【预订】Competitiveness, Organizational Management, and Governance in Family Firms
【预售】Adv in Econ Anal Part Lab Man Firms V 10
What It Takes: Seven Secrets of Success from the World’s Greatest Professional Firms成功的必要条件:源自美国大型专业公
【预售】Multinational Firms in the World Economy
【预售】How Firms Make Friends: Communities in
【预售】Latin American Entrepreneurs: Many Firms But L...
预订 Technological Change and Mature Industrial Regions: Firms, Knowledge and Policy 技术变化与成熟区域: 公司,知识与政策
【预售】New Strategies for Financial Services Firms: The
【预售】Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing
【预订】Japanese Firms During the Lost Two Decades
【预售】Market-Driving Behavior in Emerging Firms: A Study
【预售】A Theory of Employment in Firms: Macroeconomic
【预售】Locational Analysis of Firms’ Activities from a Strategic Perspective
【预售】Innovations in Small and Medium-Sized Family Firms:
【预售】Performance in Professional Service Firms
【预售】The Impact of Sub-National Institutions on Foreign Firms´ Market Entry
【预订】Supplier Relationships to Family Firms
【预售】General Equilibrium with Price-Making Firms
【预售】The Client-Consultant Relationship in Professional Business Service Firms
【预订】The Growth Report of Zhongguancun NEEQ Listed Firms (2018)
【预售】Long-Term Orientation of Family Firms: An
【预订】Decision-Making in Private Equity Firms
【预售】Computers and Productivity: How Firms Make a General
【预订】Lending Behavior toward Family Firms
预订 How Firms Can Strategically Influence Open Source Communities
【预售】Understanding Family Firms: Case Studies on the
【预售】Japanese Firms in Europe: A Global Perspective
【预售】Entry and Post-Entry Performance of Newborn Firms
【预售】The Economics of Creativity: Ideas, Firms and
【预售】States and Firms
预订 Environmental Protection And The Social Responsibility Of Firms
【预订】Computational Analysis of Firms’ Organization and Strategic Behaviour
预订 Npd Tool Usage Among Small High Technology Firms: 9783659537493
【预售】R&d Resources in Multibusiness Firms
【预售】Firms, Networks and Business Values: The British and
预订 Innovation Strategies and Performance in Small Firms 小型企业的创新战略和绩效: 9781843763703
预订 The Strategy of Small Firms: Strategic Management and Innovation in the Small Firm 小企业战略: 9781843764175
【预售】Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities, and
预订 Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management 亚洲公司: 9781840643343
【预售】Technology Entrepreneurship: Insights in New Technology-Based Firms, Research Spin-Offs and Corporate Envi...
【预订】Cross-Border Outsourcing and Boundaries of Japanese Firms: A Microdata Economic Analysis
预订 The Other Latecomers: How Latin American Firms are Changing the Playbook on Innovation? 其他后来者:拉丁美洲公司如
【预售】Firms, Markets and Hierarchies: The Transaction Cost
【预售】Japanese Firms in Transition: Responding to the
【预售】Professional Service Firms
【预售】New Technology-Based Firms at the Turn of the
【预售】The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms
预订 Developing the Competitive Advantage of Indigenous Construction Firms 开发本土建筑公司的竞争优势: 9780367705930
【预售】Capital, Emerging High-Growth Firms and Public
【预售】Managing Transnational Firms: Resources, Market
预订 Strategic Planning for Design Firms: 9781985345218
【预售】Organizational Knowledge in the Making: How Firms
【预售】The Economics of Small Firms: A European Challenge
【预订】The Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for Energy-Efficiency Improvement in Firms
【预订】Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms
【预订】Firms’ Location Selections and Regional Policy in the Global Economy
【预售】The Geography of Multinational Firms
【预售】Are Small Firms Important? Their Role and Impact
【预售】Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms: Processes, Practices and Performance
【预售】Media Convergence Handbook - Vol. 2: Firms and User Perspectives
【预订】The Growth Report of Zhongguancun Neeq Listed Firms (2019)
【预订】Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective 9783658356651
【预售】Collaborative Communities of Firms: Purpose
预订 Micro- and Macrodata of Firms
【预售】Multinational Firms and the Theory of Internati
【预售】Multinationals as Flagship Firms: Regional Business
预订 Impact of e-Commerce on Consumers and Small Firms 电子商务对消费者和小企业的影响: 9780367593841
【预售】Small Firms, Large Concerns 'The Development of
预订 Innovation in Small Construction Firms
预订 Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms
【预售】Industries, Firms, and Jobs: Sociolo...
预订 Entrepreneurial Family Firms in Nigeria: 9783659524554
【预订】Controlling Collaboration between Firms
【预订】The Growth of Firms in Less-Developed Countries
【预售】Small Firms, Global Markets: Competitive Challenges
【预订】Succession in Asian Family Firms 9781403943019
【预售】Small Firms and Entrepreneurship: An East-West
【预订】International Strategic Management of Brands and Online Firms 9783658380496
【预售】New Technology-Based Firms in the 1990s: Vol. 6
[预订]Capital Structure and Shari’ah Compliance of non-Financial Firms 9783110713503
【预售】Large Firms and Institutional Change: Industrial
【预售】Firms, Markets and Economic Change: A Dynamic Theory
预订 Venturing in International Firms
【预订】Internationalizing Firms: International Strategy, Trends and Challenges
【预售】Entrepreneurial Strategies of Professional Service Firms: An Analysis of Commercial Law Firm Spin-offs in ...
【预售】Understanding the Myth of High Growth Firms: T...
预订 Agglomeration of High-Tech Firms and New Product Innovations: 9783659382819
【预售】Framework, Households and Firms