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英文原版 Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis 分布理论与变换分析 广义函数导论及其应用 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Inflation, Income Distribution and X-Efficiency Theory: A Study Prepared for the International Labour Office... 通
【4周达】Distribution Theory of Runs and Patterns and Its Applications: A Finite Markov Chain Imbeddi... [9789810245870]
预订 Distribution Theory for Tests Based on Sample Distribution Function
预订 Themes in Value and Distribution: Classical Theory Reappraised 价值与分配主题:重评经典理论: 9781138230446
预订 Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis: An Introduction to Generalized Functions, with Appli... [9780486654799]
【预订】Distribution of Income and Wealth in Ontario: Theory and Evidence 2021诺贝尔经济学奖得主作品 David E.Card
海外直订Value Distribution Theory of the Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in Rm Rm中极小曲面高斯映射的值分布理论
海外直订Distribution-Valued Analytic Functions - Theory and Applications 分布值分析函数——理论与应用
预订 The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics: Discussions between Pierangelo Garegnani and Paul Samuelson: 978
海外直订Distribution of Income and Wealth in Ontario: Theory and Evidence 安大略省收入和财富分配:理论与证据
海外直订Tropical Value Distribution Theory and Ultra-Discrete Equations 热值分布理论与超离散方程
海外直订Growth and Income Distribution: Essays in Economic Theory 增长与收入分配:经济理论中的散文
海外直订Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations 分布理论在微分方程中的应用
海外直订Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution: A Reappraisal 亚当·史密斯的价值与分配理论:一个重新评价
海外直订Population Growth, Income Distribution, and Economic Development: Theory, Method 人口增长、收入分配与经济发
海外直订The Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution: A Critical History 分配的边际生产力理论:一个批判的历史
海外直订The Distribution of Wealth: A Theory of Wages, Interest and Profits 《财富分配:工资、利息和利润理论》
海外直订The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: Statistical Theory and Applications 逆高斯分布:统计理论与应用
【预售】Number Theory - Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications: Festschrift in Honour of Robe...
海外直订Results in Distribution Theory and Its Applications Inspired by Quantile Generat 分位数生成概率分布对分布理
海外直订Money, Enterprise and Income Distribution: Towards a Macroeconomic Theory of Cap 货币、企业和收入分配:走向
海外直订The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I: Distribution Theory and 线性偏微分算子的分析Ⅰ:分布理
[预订]Distribution Theory 9783110295917
海外直订Technological Progress, Income Distribution, and Unemployment: Theory and Empiri 技术进步、收入分配与失业:
海外直订The Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution: A Critical History 分配的边际生产力理论:一个批判的历史
海外直订Ricardos Economics: A General Equilibrium Theory of Distribution and Growth 李嘉图经济学:分配与增长的一般均
海外直订A Study of Situational Leadership Theory in a Distribution Corporation 分销企业情境领导理论研究
海外直订Multivariate Normal Distribution, The: Theory and Applications 多元正态分布,《理论与应用》
海外直订Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution: The Second Main Theorem and Its Error Nevanlinna的价值分布
海外直订Guide To Distribution Theory And Fourier Transfo... 分布理论和傅里叶变换指南
海外直订Value Distribution Theory Related to Number Theory 与数论相关的价值分配理论
海外直订The Wigner Distribution: Theory and Applications in Signal Processing 维格纳分布:理论及其在信号处理中的应用
海外直订Personal Income Distribution: A Multicapability Theory 个人收入分配:一个多容量理论
【4周达】Results in Distribution Theory and Its Applications Inspired by Quantile Generated Probabili... [9780359249954]
【4周达】Number Theory - Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications : Festschrift in... [9783319856377]
海外直订A Guide to Distribution Theory and Fourier Transforms 分布理论和傅里叶指南
【4周达】Distribution Theory: Convolution, Fourier Transform, and Laplace Transform [9783110295917]
【4周达】Number Theory Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications : Festschrift i... [9783319553566]
【4周达】Tropical Value Distribution Theory and Ultra-Discrete Equations [9789814632799]
海外直订Themes in Value and Distribution: Classical Theory Reappraised 价值与分配的主题:经典理论的再评价
海外直订Capital Theory and Political Economy: Prices, Income Distribution and Stability 资本理论与政治经济学:价格、
【4周达】Value Distribution Theory: Proceedings of the Nordic Summer School in Mathematics Held at Jo... [9783540120032]
海外直订Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics 价值分配理论及相关论题
预订 Forty Years of Renovating the Income Distribution in China: Experience, Theory and Expectation
海外直订Personal Income Distribution: A Multicapability Theory 个人收入分配:多能力理论
海外直订The Neoclassical Theory of Production and Distribution 新古典生产与分配理论
【4周达】Phase Type Distribution: Theory and Application wi th Tool Support: Theory and Application w... [9781848219458]
[预订]Distribution Theory: Principles and Applications 9781774912140
【4周达】Income Distribution and Economic Growth of Japan Under the Deflationary Economy: Theory and ... [9789814436151]
海外直订Distribution Theory and Applications 分布理论及其应用
海外直订Value Distribution Theory for Meromorphic Maps 亚纯映射的值分布理论
【4周达】Guide To Distribution Theory And Fourier Transforms, A [9789812384218]
【4周达】Guide To Distribution Theory And Fourier Transforms, A [9789812384300]
海外直订Introduction to Urban Water Distribution, Second Edition: Theory 城市配水概论,第二版:理论
【预订】Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations 9783030671617
【4周达】Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith: Ideology and Economic Theory [9780521099363]
海外直订Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics 价值分配理论及相关课题
海外直订Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference 分布理论、顺序统计和推论的进展
海外直订A Neo-Classical Theory of Distribution and Wealth 关于分配和财富的新古典理论
【4周达】The Distribution of Wealth: A Theory of Wages, Interest and Profits [9781410201553]
海外直订Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics 经济学中的价值与分配理论
海外直订Precipitation: Theory, Measurement and Distribution 降水:理论、测量和分布
【4周达】Income Distribution, Inflation, and Growth: Lectures on Structuralist Macroeconomic Theory [9780262700450]
【4周达】Multivariate Normal Distribution, The: Theory and Applications [9789811235283]
预订 Motion Theory of Graviton and its Influence on Galaxy Distribution [9783659647185]
【4周达】Inflation, Income Distribution and X-Efficiency Theory: A Study Prepared for the Internation... [9781032321721]
【4周达】Inflation, Income Distribution and X-Efficiency Theory: A Study Prepared for the Internation... [9781032321677]
【4周达】Distribution-Valued Analytic Functions - Theory and Applications [9783849119683]
预订 Exponential Distribution: Theory, Methods and Applications [9780367448660]
【4周达】The Wigner Distribution: Theory and Applications in Signal Processing [9780444888563]
海外直订Exponential Distribution: Theory, Methods and Applications 指数分布:理论、方法与应用
【预订】Distribution Theory - With Applications In Engineering And Physics
【4周达】Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations [9783030671617]
【4周达】Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations [9783030671587]
【4周达】Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution : The Second Main Theorem and its Error Terms [9783540664161]
【4周达】Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution : The Second Main Theorem and its Error Terms [9783642085680]
【4周达】Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution: Economics as a Moral Science Once Again [9781032373010]
【4周达】Distribution of Income and Wealth in Ontario : Theory and Evidence [9780802033697]
【预订】A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression 9781441929983
【4周达】The Inverse Gaussian Distribution : Theory: Methodology, and Applications [9780824779979]
【预售】The Wigner Distribution: Theory and Applications in Signal Processing
【4周达】Money, Enterprise and Income Distribution : Towards a macroeconomic theory of capitalism [9780415197731]
【4周达】Money, Enterprise and Income Distribution : Towards a macroeconomic theory of capitalism [9780415197748]
【4周达】Technological Progress, Income Distribution, and Unemployment : Theory and Empirics [9789811337253]
【4周达】The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: Theory: Methodology, and Applications [9780367451264]
【4周达】Value Distribution Theory of the Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in Rm [9783322802736]
【4周达】Time Series Analysis: Nonstationary And Noninvertible Distribution Theory, Second Edition [W... [9781119132097]