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斯蒂芬罗宾斯 管理学原理 第10版第十版 英文版 中国人民大学出版社 Fundamentals of Management 10ed/Robbins管理学教材双语教学
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预订 Fundamentals of Systems Thinking, Management & Effective Leadership, The 系统思维、管理和有效领导基础: 978981129161
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预订 Fundamentals of Project Management, 2ed: Planning and Control Techniques Using the Latest Pmbok 6ed and APM BOK 6ed
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预订 Handbook of Climate Change Impacts on River Basin Management: Fundamentals and Impacts 气候变化对流域管理的影响手册
预订 Fundamentals of International Human Resource Management: The Basic Strategy of Optimizing Multinational Organizatio
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