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【4周达】Tropical Intersection Theory and Gravitational Descendants [9783838114286]
现货 相交理论 Intersection Theory [9780387985497]
【4周达】Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory [9780821852507]
【4周达】Journeys of Embodiment at the Intersection of Body and Culture : The Developmental Theory of... [9780128054109]
【4周达】Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory : Anomaly and Obstruction (Two Volume Set) [9780821852538]
【4周达】Lectures on Contact 3-Manifolds, Holomorphic Curves and Intersection Theory [9781108497404]
【4周达】Intersection Spaces, Spatial Homology Truncation, and String Theory [9783642125881]
【4周达】Rapid Modelling and Quick Response : Intersection of Theory and Practice [9781849965248]
【4周达】Introduction to Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry [9780821807040]
【4周达】Neural Control Engineering: The Emerging Intersection between Control Theory and Neuroscience [9780262546713]
【4周达】Recent Progress in Intersection Theory [9780817641221]
【4周达】Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory : Anomaly and Obstruction, Part I [9780821852491]
【4周达】A New Development at the Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory [9783030210694]
【4周达】A New Development at the Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory [9783030210724]
英文原版 Lectures on Contact 3-Manifolds Holomorphic Curves and Intersection Theory 接触三维流形、全纯曲线与相交理论
海外直订Intersection Spaces, Spatial Homology Truncation, and String Theory 交集空间、空间同调截断和弦理论
【预售】Recent Progress in Intersection Theory
【预售】Tropical Intersection Theory and Gravitational
海外直订Intersection Theory 交集理论
现货Intersection Theory
【预售】Intersection Theory on Compact Tropical Toric
【预订】An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory, Second Edition
【预售】Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory
【预订】Lectures on Contact 3-Manifolds, Holomorphic Curves and Intersection Theory
海外直订Lectures on Contact 3-Manifolds, Holomorphic Curves and Intersection Theory 接触三流形、全纯曲线和相交理论
海外直订An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory 交集同调理论导论
预售 按需印刷Intersection Theory on Compact Tropical Toric Varieties德语ger
海外直订Tropical Intersection Theory and Gravitational Descendants 热带交集理论与引力理论
现货英文版接触三维流形全纯曲线与相交理论Lectures on Contact 3-Manifolds Holomorphic Curves and Intersection Theory精装
【4周达】An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory, Second Edition [9781584881841]
海外直订The Intersection of Library Learning and Second-Language Learning: Theory and Pr 图书馆学习与第二语言学习的
海外直订A New Development at the Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory 原子核结构与反应理论交叉研究
【4周达】Rapid Modelling and Quick Response : Intersection of Theory and Practice [9781447158738]
预订 Topics in Intersection Graph Theory
[预订]Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory 9780821852491
[预订]Neural Control Engineering: The Emerging Intersection between Control Theory and Neuroscience 9780262546713
海外直订医药图书Neural Control Engineering: The Emerging Intersection Between Control Theory and 神经控制工程:控制
[预订]Introduction to Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry 9780821807040
海外直订Recent Progress in Intersection Theory 交叉点理论的最新进展
【预订】A New Development at the Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory
【4周达】Recent Progress in Intersection Theory [9781461270904]