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正版 广东省自考教材11470 国际劳动力市场与海外就业(国际劳务合作和海外就业) 人力资源管理本科 曹宗平 科学出版社
教育与劳动力市场 赖德胜著 9787514163056
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预订 Working Schemes?: Active Labour Market Policy in Ireland 工作计划?:爱尔兰积极的劳动力市场政策: 9781138359895
预订 Towards a Transparent Labour Market for Educational Decisions 建立透明的劳动力市场以进行教育决策: 9781138364967
英文原版 Not Working 不工作 所有的好工作都去哪儿了 劳动力市场 经济学教授David G. Blanchflower英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Population and Labour Market Policies in China’s Reform Process 中国改革进程的人口与劳动力市场政策: 9781032263915
预订 Monopsony in Labor Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy 劳动力市场的垄断:理论、证据与公共政策: 97810094652
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预订 Nurses Work: An Analysis of the UK Nursing Labour Market 护士工作:英国护理劳动力市场分析: 9781138326590
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预订 Illegal Immigrants and Developments in Employment in the Labour Markets of the EU 非法移民与欧盟劳动力市场的*业发
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海外直订Young apprentices in the Brazilian labor market 巴西劳动力市场上的年轻学徒
海外直订Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries: Challenges and Opportunities 低收入国家的劳动力市场:挑战与机遇
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海外直订Work-Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets 工作场所:劳动力市场的社会调节
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预订 Inequality In Labor Market Areas 劳动力市场领域的不平等: 9780367162429
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预订 The Changing U.s. Labor Market 不断变化的美国劳动力市场: 9780367306182
海外直订Health Labor Market Analyses in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: An Evidence-Ba 中低收入国家卫生劳动力市场
预订 Labour Markets, Gender and Institutional Change: Essays in Honour of Günther Schmid 劳动力市场、性别和制度变革:纪
海外直订Globalisation and the Labour Market 全球化与劳动力市场
海外直订European Social Model and Transitional Labour Ma... 欧洲社会模式与过渡性劳动力市场
海外直订The UK Labour Market: Comparative Aspects and Institutional Developments 英国劳动力市场:比较方面和制度发展
海外直订Labor Markets, Employment Policy, and Job Creation 劳动力市场,就业政策和就业创造
海外直订The Ukrainian Challenge: Reforming Labour Market and Social Policy 乌克兰的挑战:改革劳动力市场和社会政策
预订 Technological Change and Labor Markets: Productivity, Job Polarization, and Inequality 技术变革与劳动力市场:生产率
海外直订The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy and the Us Labor Market 双语优势:语言、读写能力和美国劳动力市场
海外直订Gender, Place and the Labour Market 性别、地域和劳动力市场
海外直订The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf Region: Towards a Multi-Disciplin 海湾地区劳动力市场改革的未
海外直订Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Analysis 内部劳动力市场和人力资源分析
海外直订Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh 孟加拉国劳动力市场的结构变化与动态
海外直订Geographical Labor Market Imbalances: Recent Explanations and Cures 地域劳动力市场失衡:最近的解释和治疗
海外直订Immigration Policy and the Labor Market: The German Experience and Lessons for E 移民政策和劳动力市场:德国
海外直订Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin 太平洋盆地劳动力市场调整
海外直订Technology, Growth, and the Labor Market 技术、增长和劳动力市场
海外直订Health Effects of the New Labour Market 新劳动力市场对健康的影响
海外直订Geographical Labor Market Imbalances: Recent Explanations and Cures 地理劳动力市场失衡:最近的解释和治疗
海外直订Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics: Macro Perspectives 非均衡、增长与劳动力市场动态:宏观视角
海外直订Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics: Macro Perspectives 不平衡、增长和劳动力市场动态:宏观视角
海外直订Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin 太平洋盆地的劳动力市场调整
海外直订Immigration Policy and the Labor Market: The German Experience and Lessons for E 移民政策与劳动力市场:德国
海外直订Labour-Market Flexibility and Individual Careers: A Comparative Study 劳动力市场灵活性与个人职业生涯的比较
海外直订Evaluating Active Labour Market Policies: Empirical Evidence for Poland During T 评估积极的劳动力市场政策:
海外直订Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Data 劳动力市场数据的纵向分析
海外直订Industrial Labor Market And Economic Performance... 塞内加尔工业劳动力市场与经济表现
海外直订Older Worker and the Changing Labor Market 老年工人和不断变化的劳动力市场
海外直订Migration and the Labor Market in Developing Countries 发展中国家的移民与劳动力市场
海外直订Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Markets: Policies for Growth and Social D 地中海移徙和劳动力市场:地
海外直订Gender and the Labour Market: Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gen 性别与劳动力市场:实现性别
海外直订Sociological Perspectives on Labor Markets 劳动力市场的社会学视角
海外直订Greenland's Economy and Labour Markets 格陵兰的经济和劳动力市场