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英文原版 Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics Grades K-12 建立数学思考课堂 K-12年级阶段 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
美国海尼曼Heinemann教师指南 Building Adolescent Literacy in Today's English Classrooms英语课堂上培养青少年识字能力
【预售】A Life in Classrooms
【预订】Children’s experiences of classrooms...
【预售】Classrooms Under the Influence: Addicted
【预售】More Best Practices for Middle School Classrooms:
【预售】Learning for Life: Creating Classrooms for
【预订】Literacy Classrooms That S.O.A.R.
【预售】Effort and Excellence in Urban Classrooms:
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics Grades K- K-
【预订】Language Socialization in Classrooms 9781316638354
【预售】Identity Safe Classrooms: Places to Belong and Le
【预售】More Best Practices for High School Classrooms: What
[预订]Children’s Rights Education in Diverse Classrooms 9781350216839
预订 Meeting Special Educational Needs in Primary Classrooms: Inclusion and how to do it 满足小学课堂的特殊教育需求:包
预订 Identity-Conscious Practice in Action: Shaping Equitable Schools and Classrooms 身份意识行动实践:塑造公平的*与
预订 Active Reading Classrooms: Strategies that build language comprehension and word recognition skills 积极阅读课堂:
预订 Teaching Asian America in Elementary Classrooms 在小学课堂上教授亚裔美国人: 9781032597157
【预售】Network-Based Classrooms: Promises and Realities
预订 No More Plagiarism: Transforming Research Assignments in Secondary Classrooms - TEKS 不再抄袭: 9781576520628
【预售】High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms
预订 No More Plagiarism: Transforming Research Assignments in Secondary Classrooms - CCSS 不再抄袭: 9781576520659
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[预订]Inclusive Texts in Elementary Classrooms 9780807766460
【预售】Literacy Projects for Student-Centered Classrooms
【预售】Action-Packed Classrooms, K-5: Using Movement to ...
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【预售】Classrooms Without Borders: Using Internet Projects
预订 Meeting Special Educational Needs in Secondary Classrooms: Inclusion and how to do it 满足中等教室的特殊教育需求:
【预售】Learning in Safe Schools: Creating Classrooms ...
【预售】Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Defin...
【预售】Observational Research in U.S. Classrooms: New
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[预订]Growing and Sustaining Student-Centered Science Classrooms 9781682537954
[预订]Culturally Sustaining Language and Literacy Practices for Pre-K-3 Classrooms 9780807767467
与大自然接触户外的工作本The Nature Connection An Outdoor Workbook for Kids Families and Classrooms英文原版 又日新
与大自然接触户外的工作本The Nature Connection An Outdoor Workbook for Kids Families and Classrooms英文原版 大音
预订 Activate!: Deeper Learning through Movement, Talk, and Flexible Classrooms 激活!:通过运动,谈话和灵活课堂深入学习
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【预订】Digitally Supported Disciplinary Literacy for Diverse K-5 Classrooms
【预售】More Best Practices for Elementary Classrooms: Wh
[预订]Planning Schools for Use of Audio-Visual Materials: *Classrooms 9781681239644
【预售】What Successful Teachers Do in Diverse Classrooms...
【预售】Green Light Classrooms: Teaching Techniques That ...
[预订]Successfully Implementing Problem-Based Learning in Classrooms 9781557537805
预订 Trauma-Informed Practice in Montessori Classrooms: An Essential Guide for Students and Teachers 蒙台梭利课堂的创伤
Culture in Our Classrooms Paperback Delta Teacher Development Series教师发展丛书:我们教室里的文化 英文 大音
【预售】Creating Equitable Classrooms Through Action Rese...
【预售】Moral Classrooms, Moral Children: Crea
【预售】Creating Outdoor Classrooms: Schoolyard Habitat
【预售】Teaching Mathematics through Problem-Solving in K-12 Classrooms
预订 Teaching Informational Text in K-3 Classrooms: Best Practices to Help Children Read, Write, and Learn from Nonficti
预订 Videoconferencing for K-12 Classrooms, Second Edition
预订 Differentiating Instruction With Technology in K-5 Classrooms
【预售】Creating Winning Classrooms
【预售】Bringing Technology Education Into K-8 Classrooms
【预售】Heterogenius Classrooms: Detracking Ma
预订 Multilingual Classrooms for Young Children in the UK 英国儿童多语言教室: 9781800414679
【预售】Meeting Special Educational Needs in Primary Classrooms
建立数学思考课堂 英文原版 Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics Grades K-12 K-12年级阶段 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Key Issues for Teaching Assistants: Working in diverse and inclusive classrooms 助教的关键问题:在多样与包容的教室
【预售】Rigorous Schools and Classrooms
[预订]High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms 9780367702304
[预订]Integrating Inquiry in Social Studies Classrooms 9781032227818
预订 Spark!: Quick Writes to Kindle Hearts and Minds in Elementary Classrooms 火花!:给小学教室里的学生们点燃心灵的快速
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【预售】Brain-Compatible Classrooms
【预售】Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms: Ke...
【预订】Learners in Japanese Language Classrooms
【预售】Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to
【预售】Creating Gender-Fair Schools and Classrooms: Enge
预订 Literacy Out Loud: Creating Vibrant Classrooms where ""Talk"" Is the Springboard for All Learning 有声的文化教育:
预订 Intersectionality in Action: A Guide for Faculty and Campus Leaders for Creating Inclusive Classrooms and Instituti
预订 Mentoring Each Other: Teachers Listening, Learning, and Sharing to Create More Successful Classrooms 互相指导:老师
[预订]Classrooms and Staffrooms 9780367422912
[预订]Inclusive College Classrooms 9780367639839
预订 Powerful Readers: Thinking Strategies to Guide Literacy Instruction in Secondary Classrooms 强大的读者:思考中学课
预订 Teaching Well: How Healthy, Empowered Teachers Lead to Thriving, Successful Classrooms 教得很好:健康,有能力的教师
预订 Mathematical imagining: a routine for secondary classrooms 数学想象:中学教室的常规: 9781625312778
预订 Teach with Confidence: Five Domains for Managing Life in Classrooms 自信教学:管理课堂生活的五个领域: 9781538194980
【预售】Classrooms and Clinics [9780813562391]
【预售】Managing Behaviour in Classrooms
【预售】Meeting Special Educational Needs in Secondary Classrooms
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[预订]Teaching Well: Understanding Key Dynamics of Learning-Centered Classrooms 9781642674736
【预订】Engineering Instruction for High-Ability Learners in K-8 Classrooms 9781618216144
预订 Just Read It: Unlocking the Magic of Independent Reading in Middle and High School Classrooms 读一读:释放初高中课
[预订]Students’ Collaborative Problem Solving in Mathematics Classrooms: An Empirical Study 9789819973880
【预订】Journeys Towards Intercultural Capability in Language Classrooms 9789811909931
预订 Putting PIRLS to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehensio
[预订]Looking Into Classrooms 9781567504859
【预售】Organizing Classrooms for Small-Grou...
预订 Embodied Learning in the Schools: Designs That Link Brain, Body, and Technology in K-12 Classrooms 学校的具身学习:
【预订】Navigating the Pedagogical Space for Knowledge Building Classrooms 9780367705534
预订 Special Needs in Ordinary Classrooms: From Staff Support to Staff Development 普通教室的特殊需求:从员工支持到员工
预订 Learning Difficulties in Primary Classrooms: Delivering the Whole Curriculum 小学课堂学习困难:交付整个课程: 978113