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海外直订Machinability of Engineering Materials 工程材料的可加工性
[预订]Machinability of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics 9783110292220
海外直订Metal Matrix Composites: Advances in Processing Methods, Machinability Studies a 金属基复合材料:加工方法、
【预订】Machining and Machinability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
现货 先进材料的切削性 Machinability Of Advanced Materials J Paulo Davim 英文原版【中商原版】wiley
【预售】Machinability of Advanced Materials...
预订 Metal Matrix Composites: Advances in Processing Methods, Machinability Studies and Applications 金属基复合材料:加
海外直订Machining and Machinability of Fiber Reinforced ... 纤维增强聚合物复合材料的加工与可加工性
海外直订Machining and Machinability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites 纤维增强聚合物复合材料的加工与可加工性
预订 Machinability Analysis of Titanium Alloy Using High Speed End Milling [9786202796484]
预订 Optimization of Machinability Parameters using RSM and SEM [9783330319738]
预订 Investigations on Machinability of Ti-6Al-4V [9786200001405]
预订 Machinability Studies of Bearing Steels by Face Turning Operation [9783330011991]
预订 Machinability Performance of 700/3 ADI using Dry, Flood & MQL [9786139915422]
预订 Investigations on tribological and machinability of AHMMC'S [9786203028393]
预订 Tribological and Machinability Characteristics of AHMMC [9786203195101]
【4周达】Metal Matrix Composites: Advances in Processing Methods, Machinability Studies and Applications [9781032385259]
【4周达】Metal Matrix Composites: Advances in Processing Methods, Machinability Studies and Applications [9781032385235]
预订 Machinability Study of Aluminium-Silicon Alloy [9783659477102]
预订 Machinability of Different Hardened Steels With Coated Ceramic Tool [9786138916260]
预订 Mechanical and Machinability Properties of Non-Woven Hybrid Composites [9786203463866]
预订 Machinability studies of composite materials [9783659205620]
【4周达】Machinability and Tribological Performance of Advanced Alloys [9783036582801]
预订 Mechanical and Machinability Characteristics of Fiber Metal Laminates [9783659825934]
【4周达】Machining and Machinability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites [9789813341524]
预订 Investigations on Machinability of difficult-to-machine steels [9783659218804]
【4周达】Metal Matrix Composites : Synthesis, Wear Characteristics, Machinability Study of MMC Brake ... [9783319029849]
预订 Improved Machinability of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V [9783838373072]
【4周达】Machinability of Engineering Materials [9789400966338]
【4周达】Machinability of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics [9783110292220]
【4周达】Machining and Machinability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites [9789813341555]
海外直订Machinability of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics