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【预售】Emissions Trading: Environmental Policy'S New
【4周达】Public Purpose: Industrial Policy's Comeback and Government's Role in Shared Prosperity [9781946511652]
预订 Kenya's Land Tenure Policy's Impact on Gender Relations [9783844308969]
【4周达】Emissions Trading: Environmental Policy'S New Approach [Wiley政治学] [9780471355045]
正版 中国科技创新政策评估研究:政策的价值取向、评估框架和指标:policy's value orientation, evaluation framework and indexe
预订 National Security through a Cockeyed Lens: How Cognitive Bias Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy 透过扭曲的视角看国家安全
预订 Beyond Superfailure: America’s Toxics Policy For The 1990s 超级失败之外:美国20世纪90年代的毒物政策(重印版): 978
预订 Japan’s Foreign Policy, 1945-2009: The Quest for a Proactive Policy 日本的外交政策 1945-2009:积极的财政政策的任务
预订 Youth Policy in the 1990s: The Way Forward 1990年代的青年政策:前进的道路: 9781032380117
预订 Natural Disasters: Policy Issues and Mitigation Strategies/Nam S &T Centre 自然灾害:政策问题和缓解策略/ NAM S&T C
海外直订Chile's Salmon Industry: Policy Challenges in Managing Public Goods 智利鲑鱼产业:管理公共产品的政策挑战
海外直订China's Monetary Policy Regulation and Financial Risk Prevention: The Study of E 中国货币政策调控与金融风险
[预订]Air Pollution’s the Answer!: How Clean Air Policy Compromised the Planet and Public Health 9781736937709
[预订]Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Environmental Policy: U.S. Geological Survey, 1950-1972 and UC Berkele 9781021467904
预订 Chatham’s Colonial Policy: A Study in the Fiscal and Economic Implications of the Colonial Policy of the Elder Pit
预订 Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence: Theory, Practice, and Implications for Policy 儿童遭受家庭暴力:理论、实
海外直订Dynamics of Japan's Trade and Industrial Policy in the Post Rapid Growth Era (19 后快速增长时期日本贸易与产
海外直订Children's Emotions in Policy and Practice: Mapping and Making Spaces of Childho 政策和实践中的儿童情绪:绘
预订 Youth Policy in the 1990s: The Way Forward 20世纪90年代青年政策:前进的道路(重印版): 9781032380094
海外直订Asia's Journey to Prosperity: Policy, Market, and Technology Over 50 Years 亚洲繁荣之旅:50年来的政策、市场
预订 Modernising Social Policy: Unravelling New Labour’s Welfare Reforms: Unravelling New Labour’s Welfare Reforms 现
海外直订Energy Politics and Schumpeter Dynamics: Japan's Policy Between Short-Term Wealt 能源政治和熊彼特动力学:日
预订 U.s. Policy In International Institutions: Defining Reasonable Options In An Unreasonable World--special Student Ed
预订 Exposition and Defence of Prince Bismark’s Anti-Ultramontane Policy: 9781020103568
海外直订Mexico's Energy Resources: Toward a Policy of Diversification 墨西哥的能源资源:走向多元化政策
海外直订Community Power Succession: Atlanta's Policy Makers Revisited 社区权力继承:亚特兰大政策制定者的重新审视
预订 A National Policy for Organized Free Trade: The Case of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy for Steel, 1976-1978 国家有组织自
预订 Prosperity Amidst Crisis: Austria’s Economic Policy And The Energy Crunch 危机中的繁荣:奥地利的经济政策与能源紧缩
预订 CCH Editors Present: Progressives’ Tax Policy Handbook: Attacking the Republican’s Hard Right: 9781495933998
预订 A Smart Energy Policy: An Economist’s Rx for Balancing Cheap, Clean, and Secure Energy 漂亮的能源政策:一服经济学
海外直订Nuclear Power or a Promise Lost: A Policy Maker's Guide for a Future of Carbon F 核能还是失去的承诺:无碳、可持
海外直订Japan's Foreign Policy in the 1990s: From Economic Superpower to What Power? 20世纪90年代日本的外交政策:从
预订 Singapore’s Policy Designs for Higher Education and Economic Development: Educating the Developmental State 新加坡
海外直订Florida's Test-Based Promotion Policy. How Does Retention Affect Students' Acade 佛罗里达州基于考试的促销政
预订 PISA and Global Education Policy: Understanding Finland’s Success and Influence PISA与全球教育政策:了解芬兰的成功
海外直订Germany's Foreign Policy Towards Poland and the ... 德国对波兰和捷克共和国的外交政策
海外直订Environmental Policy Under Reagan's Executive Order: The Role of Benefit-Cost An 里根行政命令下的环境政策:
海外直订The European Commission's Energy and Climate Policy: A Climate for Expertise? 欧盟委员会的能源和气候政策:
海外直订McClellan's Military Career Reviewed and Exposed: The Military Policy of the Adm 回顾与揭露麦克莱伦的军事生
预订 A Perspective on U.S. Farm Problems and Agricultural Policy 美国农场问题与农业政策展望 重印版: 9780367013875
预订 Conserving Europe’s Wildlife: Law and Policy of the Natura 2000 Network of Protected Areas 保护欧洲野生动物:Natur
预订 The Lending Policy Of The World Bank In The 1970s: Analysis And Evaluation 1970年代世界银行的贷款政策:分析与评估
预订 Policy Analysis of UNESCO's Action Plan for Gender Equality 2014-2021 [9783659931765]
【预售】The World Bank's Country Policy and Institutional
预订 Foreign Policy Analysis of a Baltic State: Lithuania and Grybauskait?’s Doctrine 波罗的海国家的外交政策分析:立陶
预订 Iran’s Foreign Policy: Elite Factionalism, Ideology, the Nuclear Weapons Program, and the United States 伊朗的外交
海外直订Parenting, Family Policy and Children's Well-Being in an Unequal Society: A New 不平等社会中的育儿、家庭政
海外直订Turkey's Water Policy: National Frameworks and International Cooperation 土耳其的水政策:国家框架和国际合作
预订 Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Contemporary Developments and Dynamics 巴基斯坦的外交政策:当代发展与动态: 978103216907
【预售】Cyberspace Policy Review: Securing America's Digital
海外直订The World's New Financial Landscape: Challenges for Economic Policy 世界新的金融格局:经济政策的挑战
预订 The Lonely Generation: Unraveling China’s Population Crisis After the One-Child Policy 孤独的一代:揭开独生子女政策
海外直订Family Diversity and Family Policy: Strengthening Families for America's Childre 家庭多样性和家庭政策:加强
预订 Ireland’s UN Peacekeeping Policy During the Cold War Era 冷战时期爱尔兰的联合国维和政策: 9783031327766
海外直订Singapore's Defense Policy: Essential or Excessive? 新加坡国防政策:必要还是过分?
[预订]Nuclear Power or a Promise Lost: A Policy Maker’s Guide for a Future of Carbon Free, Sustainable E 9781627347440
预订 Economic Policy of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国经济政策: 9783658384661
海外直订Cleaning Pakistan's Air: Policy Options to Address the Cost of Outdoor Air Pollu 清洁巴基斯坦的空气:解决室
[预订]Population Policy and Women’s Rights 9780275946111
预订 Deadly Paradigms: The Failure of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy 致命的范式:美国的反叛乱政策失败: 9780691637563
海外直订Family Diversity and Family Policy: Strengthening Families for America's Childre 《家庭多样性与家庭政策:为
[预订]Public Policy’s Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 9781668489031
预订 Dying in Old Age: U.S. Practice and Policy 晚年的死亡:美国实践与政策: 9781138496934
预订 U.S. Freight Rail Economics and Policy: Are We on the Right Track? 美国货运铁路的经济学和政策:我们走在正确的轨道上
预订 Indonesia’s Foreign Policy and Grand Strategy in the 21st Century: Rise of an Indo-Pacific Power 21世纪印尼外交政
海外直订Women's Empowerment and Public Policy in the Ara... 阿拉伯海湾国家的妇女赋权和公共政策
预订 Institutions and Public Policy for India’s Sustainable Development: Perspectives on Governance, Technology, and Fi
预订 Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence in the Information Age Bellia,Berman,Frischmann和Post’s Cyberlaw
海外直订President Roosevelt's Railroad Policy - Scholar's Choice Edition 罗斯福总统的铁路政策-学者选择版
海外直订Public Policy and the CJEU's Power 公共政策与欧洲法院的权力
海外直订Ostrom's Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Public Policy of Elinor 奥斯特罗姆的紧张局势:重新
海外直订Conserving Europe's Wildlife: Law and Policy of the Natura 2000 Network of Prote 保护欧洲野生动物:自然保护
预订 U.S. Housing Policy, Politics, and Economics: Bias and Outcomes 美国住房政策、政治与经济:偏见与结果: 9781032114835
海外直订Shakespeare's History: Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy. 莎士比亚的历史:伊丽莎白政策的镜子。
海外直订The Abc's of Science, Technology & Innovation (Sti) Policy: Spelling Out Problem 科学,技术和创新(Sti)政策
海外直订Is the United Nation's Current Policy in Iraq Effective? Evaluation of Economic 联合国当前对伊政策有效吗?
预订 China’s Low Fertility and the Impacts of the Two-Child Policy 中国低生育率与二孩政策的影响: 9781032552354
海外直订Strategic Policy Design: A Practitioner's Guide to Statecraft 战略政策设计:治国之道的实践者指南
预订 Global Pharmaceutical Policy: Ensuring Medicines for Tomorrow’S World 全球药品政策:确保未来世界有药品: 9781848440
预订 Beyond ‘Ever Closer Union’: The Juncker Commission’S Ambition in Migration and Economic Policy *“更紧密的联
预订 Nigeria’s Monetary Policy and Economic Development 尼日利亚的货币政策与经济发展: 9786207486861
海外直订Italy's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Centu... 意大利在21世纪的外交政策
预订 Holinshed’s Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles 霍林斯赫德的国家:历代志中的理想、记忆
【预订】Kotch’s Maternal and Child Health: Problems, Programs, and Policy in Public Health 9781284200256
海外直订Bangladesh's Macroeconomic Policy: Trends, Determinants and Impact 孟加拉国的宏观经济政策:趋势、决定因素和
预订 Employee's Perception Towards Compensation and Benefit Policy [9783659427404]
海外直订Is it Safe to Come Out Yet? Analysis: Japan's Policy for Hikikomori 现在出来安全了吗?分析:日本的“隐蔽青年
海外直订Canada's National Policy, 1883-1900 加拿大的国家政策(1883-1900
预订 China’s Evolving Policy Processes under the Comparative Lenses: Theories and Evidence 比较视角下中国政策进程的演变
预订 Conserving Europe's Wildlife : Law and Policy of the Natura 2000 Network of Protected Areas [9781138203655]
海外直订Enhancing Children's Rights: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice 增进儿童权利:将研究、政策和实践联系起
预订 China’s Monetary Policy: Targets and Transition 中国货币政策:目标与过渡: 9781032885773
海外直订Application of Fuzzy State Aggregation and Policy Hill Climbing to Multi-Agent S 模糊状态聚集和策略爬山在随
预订 Holinshed’s Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles 霍林斯赫德的国家: 编年史的理想,记忆和