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【预售】不稳定的租赁 Precarious Lease 原版英文人文历史
【预售】不稳定的租赁 Precarious Lease 原版英文人文历史 正版进口书
[预订]Precarious Passages 9780813069463
【预售】不稳定的租赁 Precarious Lease 原版英文人文历史 善本图书
英文原版 Precarious Japan 不安的日本 安妮·阿里森 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Precarious Prescriptions: Contested Histories of
[预订]Performing Arousal: Precarious Bodies and Frames of Representation 9781350279469
【预订】Precarious Figurations 9783110736496
预订 The Precarious Human Role in a Mechanistic Universe
预订 Precarious Happiness: Adorno and the Sources of Normativity 不稳定的幸福——阿多诺与规范性的来源: 9780226828572
【预 售】不稳定的租赁英文人文历史进口原版书平装Precarious Lease Jacqueline Feldman Fitzcarraldo Editions
【预售】不稳定的租赁 Precarious Lease 英文进口原版人文历史图书Jacqueline Feldman外文正版
[预订]Performing Arousal: Precarious Bodies and Frames of Representation 9781350155633
【预订】Making the Cut: Hiring Decisions, Bias, and the Consequences of Nonstandard, Mismatched, and Precarious Em...
【预售】Precarious Japan
【预订】Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future
【预订】The Precarious in the Cinemas of the Americas
预订 Career guidance and precarious work: a clinical approach: A study on the career guidance process for adults with pr
【预订】The Precarious Future of Education
预订 Precarious Worlds: Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction 不稳的世界:社会再生产的争议性地理(精装)(丛书):
预订 Precarious Flânerie and the Ethics of the Self in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction 当代英语小说中岌岌可危的漫步和自
【预订】Reimagining Sustainability in Precarious Times
[预订]A Precarious Life 9780198855149
[预订]Precarious Figurations 9783110615531
【预订】Insecurity, Precarious Work and Labour Markets
【预订】The Precarious Organisation 9789027976529
预订 Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times: Coloniality, Climate Change, and Covid-19 不稳定时期重新思考遗产:殖民、气
[预订]Preparing Musicians for Precarious Work 9780367362379
预订 Precarious Work: Changing Employment Relations in the New Economy 不稳定的工作:新经济中不断变化的雇佣关系: 9780367
预订 Architecture and Affect: Precarious Spaces 建筑与影响:不稳定的空间: 9781032407548
预订 Law, Precarious Labour and Posted Workers: A Sociolegal Study on Posted Work in the EU: 9781032396019
【预售】Precarious Worlds: Contemporary Art from Germany
【预售】Precarious Work, Women and the New Economy: The
【预订】Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times
【预订】Precarious Lives - Job Insecurity And Well-Being In Rich Democracies
预订 Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway 移民控制与福利:
预订 Precarious Identities: Studies in the Work of Fulke Greville and Robert Southwell: Studies in the Work of Fulke Gre
【预订】Precarious Partners 9780226686370
预订 Doubled Up: Shared Households and the Precarious Lives of Families 双重生活:家庭困境与家户生活: 9780691247021
预售 按需印刷 The Precarious Organisation
【预售 按需印刷】Blurred Organisational Boundaries and Precarious HRM
预售 按需印刷 The Precarious Human Role in a Mechanistic Universe
预售 按需印刷 Tackling Precarious Work
预售 按需印刷 Precarious lives
预售 按需印刷 Precarious Figurations
【预售 按需印刷】Precarious Game of Hide and Seek
[预订]Law, Migration and Precarious Labour: Ecotechnics of the Social
预订 Intellectual Leadership, Higher Education and Precarious Times 知识领导力、高等教育和不稳定时期: 9781350291805
预订 Unemployment, Precarious Work and Health: Research and Policy Issues 失业、工作不稳定与健康: 9783531185095
[预订]Precarious Flânerie and the Ethics of the Self in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction 9783110767476
海外直订Law, Migration and Precarious Labour: Ecotechnics of the Social 法律、移民和不稳定劳动力:社会的生态技术
预订 United States in a World in Crisis: The Geopolitics of Precarious Work and Super-Exploitation 危机中的美国:不稳定
预订 Precarious Work: The Challenge for Labour Law in Europe Work可危的工作:欧洲劳动法的挑战: 9781788973250
【预订】Precarious Professional Work
预订 Navigating Family Policies in Precarious Times: Examining Diverse Approaches in European Countries在不稳定时期把握
预订 Children at Risk: The Precarious State of Children’s Well-being in America: 9781138508071
海外直订Precarious Balance 不稳定的平衡
海外直订Dretzel & Marcel: More Tales of Precarious Woods Dretzel和Marcel:更多危险森林的故事
预订 Precarious Identities: Studies in the Work of Fulke Greville and Robert Southwell 岌岌可危的身份:福克·格雷维尔与
预订 Self-Employment as Precarious Work: A European Perspective 自我*业作为岌岌可危的工作:欧洲视角: 9781788115025
【预售】Thurston T. Turtle and the Precarious Puppy
【预订】Literary Representations of Precarious Work, 1840 to the Present 9783030881733
[预订]Law, Precarious Labour and Posted Workers 9781032395982
预订 Narratives of Precarious Migrancy in the Global South: 9781032156361
【预售】The Precarious Rhetoric of Angels
海外直订Precarious Manhood in Zadie Smith's Embassy of Cambodia 扎迪·史密斯驻柬埔寨大使馆的不稳定男子气概
海外直订Precarious Professional Work: Entrepreneurialism, Risk and Economic Compensation 不稳定的专业工作:知识经济
【预售】Children at Risk: The Precarious State of Children's
预订 The Informal Sector in Ecuador: Artisans, Entrepreneurs and Precarious Family Firms 厄瓜多尔的非正规部门:工匠、企
[预订]Tackling Precarious Work: Toward Sustainable Livelihoods 9781032576657
预订 Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway: The Precarious I
预订 Precious Threads and Precarious Lives: Histories of Shawl and Silk Industries of Kashmir, 1846–1950 宝贵的线索与不
[预订]Preparing Musicians for Precarious Work 9780367362386
预订 Precarious Youth in Contemporary Graphic Narratives: Young Lives in Crisis 当代图形叙事中的不稳定青年:危机中的年轻
【预订】Precarious Places: Social, Cultural and Economic Aspects of Uncertainty and Anxiety in Everyday Life
海外直订A World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Bene 《没有土壤的世界:我们脚下
海外直订Tackling Precarious Work 处理不稳定工作
海外直订Architecture and Affect: Precarious Spaces 建筑和影响:不稳定的空间
[预订]Tackling Precarious Work: Toward Sustainable Livelihoods 9781032576633
海外直订Something Worn: A Precarious Romance 穿旧的东西:不稳定的浪漫
海外直订A Precarious Journey Into Magic 不稳定的魔法之旅
[预订]Precarious Passages 9780813062471
海外直订Precarious Worlds: Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction 不稳定的世界:有争议的社会再生产地理