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现货Representations of Permutation Groups I
【预售】Representations of Finite Groups: Local Cohomology
【预售】Tensor Products of Principal Series Representations:
【预售】Representations of Real Numbers by Infinite Series
【预售】Representations of Permutation Groups II
【预售】Representations of Affine Hecke Algebras
【预订】Representations of Finite Chevalley ...
预订 Segmental Structure and Representations 语段结构与表述: 9783111620367
英文原版 Contrast and Representations in Syntax 语法中的对比与表达 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Additive and Polynomial Representations
[预订]The Botanic Garden; Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plan 9781015047297
[预订]The Botanic Garden: Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plan 9781014813152
[预订]The Botanic Garden; Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plan 9781018111704
[预订]The Botanic Garden: Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plan 9781013760013
【预售】The Titanic in Myth and Memory: Representations in
Contrast and Representations in Syntax 语法中的对比与表达
【预订】Royal Representations 9780226351148
【预订】On Certain Unitary Representations o...
【预售】Quantum Stochastic Calculus and Representations of Lie Superalgebras
【预售】Media Images and Representations
【预售】Walt Whitman's Native Representations
【预售】Singular Unitary Representations and Discrete Series for Indefinite Stiefel Manifolds \(U(p,q;{\mathbb F})...
英文原版 Matrix Representations of Groups 群的矩阵表示 群论 加州大学数学教授Morris Newman 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Sparse Representations for Radar with MATLAB Examples
预订 Data Representations, Transformations, and Statistics for Visual Reasoning
【预售】D-Modules and Spherical Representations. (MN-39)
Contrast and Representations in Syntax 语法中的对比与表达进口原版英文书籍
[预订]Estimation of Multiple, Time-Varying Motions Using Time-Frequency Representations and Moving-Objects 9781952751912
【预售】Sparse Representations for Radar with MATLAB(R)
[预订]Representations of Islam in United States Comics, 1880-1922 9781350196278
[预订]Homogenization of Representations 9781848856257
英文原版 Representations and Cohomology 表示论与上同调理论 卷一 剑桥高等数学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Representations of Rings Over Skew Fields
【预订】Jews in Medieval England: Teaching Representations of the Other
语法中的对比与表达 英文原版 Contrast and Representations in Syntax 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Representations and Characters of Finite Groups
【预售】From Gutenberg to Google: Electronic Representations
【预售】Elliptic Curves and Big Galois Representations
【预售】Mental Representations: The Interface Between
【预售】Representations of Nilpotent Lie Groups and Their
英文原版 Representations of Nilpotent Lie Groups and their Applications 幂零李群表示及其应用 剑桥高等数学研究系列
[预订]Gender in Post-9/11 American Apocalyptic TV: Representations of Masculinity and Femininity at the En 9781501366536
英文原版 Automorphic Forms and Representations 自守形式和表示论 剑桥高等数学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
表示论与上同调理论 英文原版 Representations and Cohomology 卷一 剑桥高等数学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Scotland as We Know It: Representations of Nation
【预售】The Medieval Hero on Screen: Representations from
【预售】Representations de Groupes Localement Compacts
【预售】Representations of Algebras and Related Topics
【预售】Early Development of Body Representations
【预订】Projective Representations and Spin ...
预订 Multiple-Valued Logic: Concepts and Representations
预订 Image Understanding Using Sparse Representations
【预售】Working Girls in the West: Representations of Wag
Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
【预售 按需印刷】音乐信号的表示 Representations of Musical Signals 进口英文正版书籍
英文原版 Symmetries Lie Algebras and Representations 对称、李代数及表示 物理研究生课程 剑桥数学物理学专著 英文版 进口英
预订 Migrants, Minorities, and the Media: Information, Representations, and Participation in the Public Sphere: 97803670
预订 I Spy: Representations of Childhood: 9781860643859
[预订]The Botanic Garden; Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plan 9781018106953
【预售】Representations of Fundamental Groups of Algebraic
【预售】Structure and Representations of Q-Groups
【预订】Polynomial Representations of GL_n
【预订】Theory of Group Representations and Fourier Analysis
【预售】Underlying Representations
预订 Representations and Techniques for 3D Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation
预订 Representations of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions
预订 Women in Wartime: Theatrical Representations in the Long Eighteenth Century 战时女性:十八世纪的戏剧表现: 978142144
【预售】Social Representations: Essays in Social Psychology
【预售】Lexical Representations and the Semantics of Complementation
【预订】Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations
正版 Matrix Representations of Groups 英文原版 进口英语书籍
【预售】The Literary Mother: Essays on Representations of
【预售】Representations of Finite and Lie Groups
【预售】Low Rank Representations and Graphs for Sporadic
[预订]Elusive Childhood: Impossible Representations in Modern Fiction 9780814254882
【预订】Qualitative Representations: How People Reason and Learn about the Continuous World
现货 英文原版 Derived Langlands: Monomial Resolutions of Admissible Representations 9789813275744