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blender预设 Fluid Simulations 真实的水流体模拟含项目文件教程
【预订】Monte Carlo Simulations of Disordere...
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【预订】Learning to Diagnose with Simulations 9783030891466
[预订]Interferences and Events: On Epistemic Shifts in Physics Through Computer Simulations 9781013294006
【预订】Simulations in Swift 5
预订 Impact of Visual Simulations in Statistics
【预订】Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering: Concepts - Practices - Perspectives
预订 Crowd Dynamics by Kinetic Theory Modeling: Complexity, Modeling, Simulations, and Safety
【预售】Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering
【预订】Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education
[预订]Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education: Advanced Concepts, Trends, and Opportunities
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【预售】Numerical Simulations in the Environmental and Earth
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预订 Criminal Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice Vitiello 和 Hughes的刑法模拟:通往实践的桥梁: 9781628100600
预订 Property Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice Sprankling的物权法模拟:通往实践的桥梁: 9780314277886
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预订 Tort Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice: 9781684673148
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[预订]Highly-resolved numerical simulations of bed-load transport in a turbulent open-channel flow 9783959080026
英文原版 Simulations Foreign Agents Series 模拟 哲学 Jean Baudrillard 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
模拟 英文原版 Simulations Foreign Agents Series 哲学 Jean Baudrillard 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文版 Simulations Foreign Agents Series 模拟 哲学 Jean Baudrillard
[预订]Direct Numerical Simulations of bubbles in turbulent flows with heat transfer 9783959080170
英文原版 Computer Simulations of Dislocations 位错计算机模拟 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Agile Games and Simulations: Field-tested for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches: 9798873277346
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【预订】Learning to Diagnose with Simulations 9783030891497
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【预售】Physioex 9.0: Laboratory Simulations in Physiolog
【预售 按需印刷】Wiley出版 分子模拟:基础和实践 Molecular Simulations: Fundamentals and Practice 进口英文正版书籍
[预订]Gluten Simulations: With Molecular Dynamics 9781636483511
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[预订]Interferences and Events: On Epistemic Shifts in Physics Through Computer Simulations 9781013294013
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Vapor Intrusion Simulations and Risk Assessments
[预订]Storm Tide and Wave Simulations and Assessment II 9783036535678
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[预订]Learn Blender Simulations the Right Way 9781803234151
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[预订]Using Cognitive and Affective Metrics in Educational Simulations and Games
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[预订]Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model 9783954898794
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[预订]Theoretical Issues of Using Simulations and Games in Educational Assessment 9781032057675
预订 Stochastic Analysis for Finance with Simulations
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【4周达】Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows [9789812383174]
【4周达】Growth Alternatives of the Japanese Economy: Structure and Simulations of Dynamic Econometri... [9789813278219]
【4周达】Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing with C++ and Java Simulations [9789812561251]
【4周达】Simulations Methods for Rubber Anti-Vibration Systems [9789811221460]
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Practical Guide To Computer Simulations (With Cd-rom) [9789812834140]
【4周达】Computational Physics: An Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulations of Matrix Field Theory [9789813200210]
【4周达】Introduction to Computer Simulations for Integrated Stem College Education [9789811210761]
【4周达】Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing with C++ and Java Simulations [9789812561121]
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【4周达】Practical Guide To Computer Simulations (With Cd-rom) [9789812834157]
【4周达】Simulations of Tropical Cyclone in Regional Climate Models [9789813232068]
【4周达】Highway Vehicle-Bridge Coupled Vibrations: Numerical Simulations and Applications [9789811216411]
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【4周达】Nonlinear Channel Models and Their Simulations [9789811249440]
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【4周达】Big Practical Guide to Computer Simulations: (2nd Edition) [With CDROM] [9789814571760]
【4周达】Big Practical Guide to Computer Simulations (2nd Edition) [With CDROM] [9789814571777]
【4周达】Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter: From Electronic Structures to Molecu... [9789813230446]
【预售 按需印刷】Multi-Agent-Based Simulations Applied to Biological and Environmental Systems
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