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[预订]Wood Working; Wood Turning; Patternmaking; Green-Sand Molding; Core Making; Dry-Sand and Loam Work; 9781016270823
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【预售】Understanding Blow Molding
【预订】Injection Molding of Thermoplastic M...
【预售】Transport Phenomena in Liquid Composite Molding Processes
【预售】Reaction Injection Molding and Fast Polymerizatio
海外直订Transport Phenomena in Liquid Composite Molding Processes 液体复合材料成型过程中的传输现象
预订 Crown Molding & Trim: Install It Like a Pro!: 9781627341288
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【预订】Microengineering Of Metals And Ceramics - Design, Tooling And Injection Molding V 3 Part1
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【预订】Precision Lens Molding of Glass: A Process Perspective
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预订 Injection Molding Process Control, Monitoring, and Optimization
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【预售】Injection Molding Machines: A User's Guide
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【预售】Making Transparent Soap: The Art of Crafting, Molding, Scenting & Coloring
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[预订]Natural-bonded Molding Sand Resources of Illinois; Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin * 9781014696052
海外直订医药图书Nasoalveolar Molding Nasoalveolar成型
预订 Simulation in Injection Molding 注塑仿真: 9781569909164
【预售】Rotational Molding Design, Materials, Tooling and
海外直订医药图书Naso-alveolar Molding: An Orthodontic Perspective 鼻-牙槽骨成形:正畸学的一个视角
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【预售】Injection Molding: Integration of Theory and
海外直订Injection Molding Process Modelling: Statistics, CAE, and AI Applications Injection Molding
海外直订Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding 注射吹塑实用指南
海外直订Wood Working; Wood Turning; Patternmaking; Green-Sand Molding; Core Making; Dry- 木工;木材车削;制模;湿砂造
预订 Simple Mold Making: Quick molding ideas for miniaturists, model makers and animators.
【预售】Advanced Injection Molding Technologies
Injection Molding Handbook: 9781461370772
【预订】Practical Injection Molding
预订 Injection Molding: Critical Hurdles 注塑成型:关键障碍: 9781632382955
[预订]Plastic Molding 9781013548307
【预售】Schooling, the Puritan Imperative, and the Molding of an American National Identity
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预订 Custom Molding: A Comprehensive Approach to Materials, Mold Design, and Processing: 9783446419643
【预售】Stretch Blow Molding
【预售】Foundry Practice; A Treatise on Molding and Casting
【预售】Injection-Molding-Machine Operator W...
【预售】Injection-Molding-Machine Tender Wor...
【预售】Injection-Molding-Machine Offbearer ...
现货 Microcellular Injection Molding【中商原版】
海外直订Molding Minds 成型的思想
【预售】Molding Timss Data: Botswana Data as...
【预售】Specialized Injection Molding Techniques