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【预售】Styles of Ruin: Joseph Brodsky and the Postmodernist
预订 America in Literature and Film: Modernist Perceptions, Postmodernist Representations: 9781138277182
【预售】Postmodernist Fiction
预售 按需印刷 Postmodernist Deconstruction for Dummies
【预售 按需印刷】Mysticism in Postmodernist Long Poems
【预售 按需印刷】Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater Second Edition
【预售 按需印刷】Postmodernist Culture 2e
【预售】From Modernist Entombment to Postmodernist Exhumation
海外直订Narrative Machine: The Naturalist, Modernist, and Postmodernist Novel 叙述机器:自然主义、现代主义和后现代主
【预售】American Postmodernist Fiction and t...
海外直订Becoming the New Man in Post-Postmodernist Fiction - Portrayals of Masculinities 成为后后现代主义小说中的新
海外直订American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past 美国后现代主义小说与过去
【预售】The A to Z of Postmodernist Literature and Theater
海外直订Russian Postmodernist Fiction: Dialogue with Chaos 俄罗斯后现代主义小说:与混沌的对话:与混沌的对话
海外直订Distinction of 'postmodernist' from 'modernist' 后现代主义与现代主义的区别
【预售】Russian Postmodernist Fiction: Dialogue with Chaos
预订 Postmodernist Fiction: 9780416363906
海外直订The A to Z of Postmodernist Literature and Theater: Volume 71 后现代主义文学和戏剧的A到Z
海外直订Postmodernist Fiction 后现代主义小说
海外直订Russian Postmodernist Fiction: Dialogue with Chaos: Dialogue with Chaos 俄罗斯后现代主义小说:与混沌的对话
海外直订From Modernist Entombment to Postmodernist Exhumation: Dead Bodies in Twentieth- 从现代主义的埋葬到后现代主
海外直订The Postmodernist Concept of the Text 后现代主义文本观
海外直订From Romantic Irony to Postmodernist Metafiction: A Contribution to the History 从浪漫反讽到后现代元小说哲
【4周达】From Modernist Entombment to Postmodernist Exhumation : Dead Bodies in Twentieth-Century Ame... [9780754667179]
【4周达】American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past [9780230298347]
【4周达】The Portable Postmodernist [9780759103139]
【4周达】The Portable Postmodernist [9780759103146]
【4周达】The A to Z of Postmodernist Literature and Theater [9780810868557]
【4周达】Narrative Machine : The Naturalist, Modernist, and Postmodernist Novel [9781138392458]
预订 The Body of the Postmodernist Narrator: Between Violence and Artistry [9781443805209]
预订 Postmodernist Identity Construction [9786202005067]
【4周达】Concepts: Exposing Postmodernist Myths about Science [9780198236375]
【4周达】Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy [9780253206114]
【4周达】Shakespeare's Universal Wolf: Postmodernist Studies in Early Modern Reification [9780198130048]
预订 Postmodernist Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying [9783659619335]
【4周达】Beyond Nihilism : Gottfried Benn's Postmodernist Poetics [9783039100064]
预订 Nietzsche: Truth and Redemption - Critique of the Postmodernist Nietzsche [9780485114713]
【4周达】Postmodernist Culture: An Introduction To Theories Of The Contemporary, Second Edition [Wile... [9780631200529]
【4周达】Postmortem for a Postmodernist [9780761989110]
【4周达】Postmortem for a Postmodernist [9780761989103]
预订 On the Future of History: The Postmodernist Challenge and Its Aftermath [9780226072791]
【4周达】Postmodernist and Post-Structuralist Theories of Crime [9780754629276]
预订 On the Future of History: The Postmodernist Challenge and Its Aftermath [9780226072807]
【4周达】Durkheim Through the Lens of Aristotle : Durkheimian, Postmodernist, and Communitarian Respo... [9780847679737]
预订 Becoming the New Man in Post-Postmodernist Fiction [9783639453478]
【4周达】后现代主义文学与戏剧历史辞典 Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater ... [9781442276192]
【4周达】Post-Postmodernist Fiction and the Rise of Digital Epitexts [9780814215425]
【4周达】Conscientious Sorcerers: The Black Postmodernist Fiction of LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka, Ishmae... [9780313250330]
【4周达】Postmodernist Fiction [9780415045131]
预订 Narrative Machine: The Naturalist, Modernist, and Postmodernist Novel [9780367664022]
【4周达】American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past [9781349334506]
【4周达】Remyth: A Postmodernist Ritual [9781734497762]
【4周达】America in Literature and Film: Modernist Perceptions, Postmodernist Representations [9781138277182]
【4周达】From Romantic Irony to Postmodernist Metafiction : A Contribution to the History of Literary... [9783631367186]
【4周达】Russian Postmodernist Metafiction [9783034306096]
【4周达】America in Literature and Film: Modernist Perceptions, Postmodernist Representations [9781409425250]
【4周达】Oh, What an Adorable Bore!: A Post-postmodernist Re-citation of John Dryden's Poetry [9781365131776]
【4周达】History and National Ideology in Greek Postmodernist Fiction [9781611475937]
【4周达】The Poverty of Anti-realism : Critical Perspectives on Postmodernist Philosophy of History [9781666933628]
海外直订Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater 后现代主义文学和戏剧历史词典,第二版
正版新书 历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction 刘璐
国图书店正版 历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction 刘璐
按需印刷Postmodernist Deconstruction for Dummies[9781401042493]
历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction刘璐 文学书籍
历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist刘璐9787310065189 南开大学出版社有限公司 文学书籍
按需印刷Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater, Second Edition[9781442276192]
书籍正版 祛魅:五个经典童话的后现代女主义改写:postmodernist feminist r 穆杨 知识产权出版社有限责任公司 文学 9787513056373
祛魅:五个经典童话的后现代女主义改写:postmodernist feminist rewriting of five classic fairy tales穆杨文学书籍
历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction书刘璐 文学书籍
RT正版 历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist his 9787310065189 南开大学出版社有限公司
正版 历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction 刘璐
历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction 刘璐 文学书籍
正版历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography me刘璐书店文学书籍 畅想畅销书
祛魅:五个经典童话的后现代女主义改写:postmodernist feminist rewriting of five classic fairy tales9787513056373
历史的解构与重构:后现代主义历史编纂元小说研究:a study of postmodernist historiography meta-fiction9787310065189