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【预售】Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators Using Neural
【预售】Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators
【预订】Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and...
【预售】Singular Configurations of Mechanisms and Manipulators
【预售】Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators:
【预售】Robotic Manipulators and Vehicles: Control, Estimation and Filtering
【预售】Dynamics And Control Of Robotic Manipulators With Contact And Friction
【预售】Fundamentals in Modeling and Control of Mobile Manipulators
【预售】Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators
【预售】Dynamic Decoupling of Robot Manipulators
【预售】Robotic Manipulators and Vehicles
【预订】Flexible Manipulators
【预订】Parallel Manipulators of Robots: Theory and Applications 9783030560751
【预订】Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators
【预订】Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators
【预订】Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators 9783030582494
【预订】Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators
海外直订Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulators 机械手的任务空间感觉反馈控制
海外直订Geometric Method for Type Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators 并联机构型综合的几何方法
海外直订Robust Motion Control of Oscillatory-Base Manipulators: H∞-Control and Sli 基于H&8734;—
海外直订Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators Using Neural Networks 基于神经的柔性连杆机械手控制
海外直订Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators: Advanced Methods with Illustrative 连杆机构和机械手的平衡:先
海外直订Distributed Parameter Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Manipulators 柔性机械臂的分布参数建模与边界
海外直订Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators: With Hardware 机械臂分步建模与控制器设计
海外直订Romansy 13: Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators 罗曼史13:机器人和操纵者的理论与实践
海外直订Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators 无人机视觉制导
海外直订Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Manipulators by Algebraic Screw Theory 基于代数螺旋理论的并联机器人运动学分
海外直订Advances on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators: Proceedings of Roman 机器人与操作手理论与实践的
海外直订Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators 无人机操纵机的视觉制导
海外直订Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators: Six Degrees-Of-Freedom Tasks 机器人机械手的交互控制:六自由度任务
海外直订Adaptive Neural Network Control of Robotic Manipulators 机械臂的自适应神经控制
预售 按需印刷 Optimal Adaptive Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators
[预订]Collision Detection for Robot Manipulators: Methods and Algorithms 9783031301940
海外直订Robust Servo Control for Planer Manipulators 刨床机械手的鲁棒伺服控制
海外直订Flexible Manipulators: Modeling, Analysis, and Optimum Design 柔性机械臂:建模、分析与优化设计
海外直订Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems 机器人机械手和多机器人系统的冗余
预订 Repetitive Motion Planning and Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators
海外直订Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators 机械臂的自适应控制
海外直订Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators: Proceedings of Romansy '84: The 机器人与操纵器的理论与实践
Flexible Manipulators: Modeling, Analysis, and Optimum Design [9780123970367]
预订 Distributed Parameter Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Manipulators
海外直订Two Collaborative Robot Manipulators Handling a Flexible Object 两个协作机器人操作柔性物体
海外直订Fundamentals in Modeling and Control of Mobile Manipulators 移动机械臂建模与控制基础“,
【4周达】Reading the Comments: Likers, Haters, and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web [9780262028936]
预订 Distributed Parameter Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Manipulators: 9789811082993
【4周达】Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators: Proceedings of Romansy '84: The Fifth Cism -... [9781461598848]
【4周达】Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators : Advanced Methods with Illustrative Examples [9783319124896]
【4周达】Robotic Manipulators and Vehicles : Control, Estimation and Filtering [9783030085551]
【4周达】Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators [9781498764872]
【4周达】Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Manipulators by Algebraic Screw Theory [9783319311241]
【4周达】Singular Configurations of Mechanisms and Manipulators [9783030052188]
【4周达】Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators : Advanced Methods with Illustrative Examples [9783319344348]
【4周达】Robust Motion Control of Oscillatory-Base Manipulators: H∞-Control and Sliding-Mode-Co... [9783319217796]
【4周达】Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators [9783030072179]
预订 Lyapunov Based Adaptive - Robust Controller for Robot Manipulators [9783659519611]
【4周达】Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators [9783319965796]
【4周达】Dynamics And Control Of Robotic Manipulators With Contact And Friction [Wiley电子电气工程] [9781119422488]
【4周达】Geometric Method for Type Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators [9789811387579]
预订 Optimal Adaptive Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators [9783848425310]
【4周达】Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems [9783642441394]
【4周达】Two Collaborative Robot Manipulators Handling a Flexible Object [9783845407272]
【4周达】Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators : With Hardware Validation [9783030582494]
【4周达】Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulators [9789812870612]
【4周达】Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators Using Neural Networks [9781852334093]
【4周达】Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulators [9789811013522]
【4周达】Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators : With Hardware Validation [9783030582463]
【4周达】Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Manipulators by Algebraic Screw Theory [9783319809694]
【4周达】Robotic Manipulators and Vehicles: Control, Estimation and Filtering [9783319778501]
预订 Robust Dynamic Programming Control of Robot Manipulators [9786138385936]
【4周达】Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators : Six degrees-of-freedom tasks [9783540001591]
【4周达】Advanced Studies of Flexible Robotic Manipulators: Modeling, Design, Control and Applications [9789812383907]
【4周达】Distributed Parameter Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Manipulators [9789811082993]
【4周达】Adaptive Neural Network Control of Robotic Manipulators [9789810234522]
预订 Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators [9783844394467]
【4周达】Romansy 13 : Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators [9783709125007]
【4周达】Distributed Parameter Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Manipulators [9789811341151]
【4周达】The Manipulators: Personality and Politics in Multiple Perspectives [9780367187422]
【4周达】Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators With Ground-mounted Actuators [9780530005577]
【4周达】Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators With Ground-mounted Actuators [9780530005560]
【4周达】How to Spot and Stop Manipulators: Protecting Yourself and Reclaiming Your Life [9798330503124]
【4周达】Kinematic Modeling, Identification, and Control of Robotic Manipulators [9780898382372]
海外直订Perturbation Techniques for Flexible Manipulators 柔性机械臂的摄动技术
海外直订Collision Detection for Robot Manipulators: Methods and Algorithms 机器人机械手碰撞检测:方法与算法
海外直订Robotic Manipulators 机械手
【预售】A Convicted Stock Manipulators Guide to Investing
预订 Performance Analysis and Optimization of Parallel Manipulators
预订 Robotic Manipulators 机械手: 9781632384027
[预订]Output Synchronization for Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulators 9783659612329
海外直订Fundamentals in Modeling and Control of Mobile Manipulators 移动机械手建模与控制基础
【4周达】Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulators [9780521047937]
[预订]Modeling and Nonlinear Robust Control of Delta-Like Parallel Kinematic Manipulators
预订 Collision Detection for Robot Manipulators
预订 Control of Underactuated Manipulators