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【预售】Poetic and Performative Memory in Ancient Greece:
【预售】Performative Geometries: Transforming Textile
【预售】Performative Approaches in Arts Education
【预订】The Phenomenology of a Performative Knowledge System: Dancing with Native American Epistemology
【预订】Ministry of Highways: A Guide to the Performative Architecture of Tbilisi
【预订】Experiential and Performative Anthropology in the Classroom
【预订】Writing Performative Shakespeares
【预订】Performative Experience Design
【预订】Scenographic Design Drawing: Performative Drawing in an Expanded Field
预售 按需印刷 Performative Approaches in Arts Education
【预订】Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Claims of the Performative
【预订】Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly 9780674983984
海外直订Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture 中世纪文化中的表演语言
按需印刷Performative Approaches in Arts Education:Artful Teaching, Learning and Research[9781138334878]
预售 按需印刷 The Performative Power of Vocality
按需印刷The Performative Power of Vocality[9781138659179]
按需印刷Excitable Speech:A Politics of the Performative[9780367705244]
【预订】The Performative Enterprise 9783030814946
按需印刷DGYT Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture[9783110222463]
按需印刷Writing Performative Shakespeares:New Forms for Performance Criticism[9781107421301]
海外直订The Performative Enterprise: Ideas and Case Studies on Moving Beyond the Quality 绩效型企业:超越质量范式的
[预订]Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture 9783110222463
[预订]Performative Language Teaching in Early Education: Language Learning Through Drama and the Arts for 9781350199156
海外直订Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Researc 艺术教育中的表演方法:艺术
预售 按需印刷 Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture
海外直订The Phenomenology of a Performative Knowledge System: Dancing with Native Americ 表演性知识系统的现象学:与
海外直订Embodiment of Musical Creativity: The Cognitive and Performative Causality of Mu 音乐创造力的体现:音乐创作
海外直订Performative Materials in Architecture and Design 建筑与设计中的性能材料
海外直订Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Claims of the Performative 莎士比亚,琼森,以及表演的主张
预订 Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative [9780367705244]
【4周达】Disruption in the Arts: Textual, Visual, and Performative Strategies for Analyzing Societal ... [9783110565867]
预订 Writing Performative Shakespeares: New Forms for Performance Criticism [9781107421301]
预订 The Performative Power of Vocality 现代声音、传统来源:声乐的表演力: 9781138659179
【4周达】Therapeutic Aesthetics: Performative Encounters in Moving Image Artworks [9781350093157]
【4周达】Poetic and Performative Memory in Ancient Greece: Heroic Reference and Ritual Gestures in Ti... [9780674021242]
海外直订The Performative Power of Vocality 声乐的表演力量
【4周达】Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Claims of the Performative [9780415993272]
【4周达】Incidental Racialization: Performative Assimilation in Law School [9781439913857]
【4周达】Embodiment of Musical Creativity: The Cognitive and Performative Causality of Musical Compos... [9780815378495]
【4周达】Embodiment of Musical Creativity : The Cognitive and Performative Causality of Musical Compo... [9781472456793]
【4周达】Performative Praxis : Teacher Identity and Teaching in the Context of HIV/AIDS [9783039116126]
【预售】Performative Linguistics
预订 Performative Approaches in Arts Education : Artful Teaching, Learning and Research [9781138334878]
预订 Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture [9783110222463]
【4周达】The Performative Enterprise : Ideas and Case Studies on Moving Beyond the Quality Paradigm [9783030814946]
【4周达】Performative Materials in Architecture and Design [9781841506494]
预订 Performative Culture: National Museum Akure as a Spectator [9786139824762]
现货 表现性几何学:纺织技术的转换 Performative Geometries [9789063692506]
【预售】Introducing Performative Pragmatics
【4周达】Scenographic Design Drawing: Performative Drawing in an Expanded Field [9781350168534]
预订Fates of the Performative:From the Linguistic Turn to the New Materialism
【预订】Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image
海外直订Introducing Performative Pragmatics 介绍行为语用学
【4周达】Wit's End: Women's Humor as Rhetorical and Performative Strategy [9780822960744]
【预售 按需印刷】Performative Memoir
【预售】Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translat
【4周达】Performative Linguistic Space: Ethnographies of Spatial Politics and Dynamic Linguistic Prac... [9783110744743]
预订【德语】 De/Sakralisierung:Die performative Dynamik
预订 Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event: Art as a Performative, Dynamic
[预订]A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty 9781032409177
预订 Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event 伽达默尔的诠释学美学:论艺术作
【4周达】A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty: Tangoing Desire and Nostalgia [9781032409177]
海外直订Introducing Performative Pragmatics 介绍表演语用学
【4周达】Performative Linguistics : Speaking and Translating as Doing Things with Words [9780415300360]
海外直订Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translating as Doing Things with Words 行为语言学:说话和翻译就是用语
【4周达】Performative Memoir : The Methodology of a Creative Process [9781793632975]
按需印刷TF A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty
海外直订A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty: Tangoing Desire and Nostalgia 表演美的躯体美学:探戈欲望与怀旧
【4周达】Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image [9781850434115]
【4周达】Spielend (Be)Schreiben: Performative Verfahren Zur Foerderung Deskriptiver Kompetenzen in Sp... [9783110710212]
【4周达】Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translating as Doing Things with Words [9780415753999]
预订 Gadamer's Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event [9781032020372]
【4周达】Performative Listening : Hearing Others in Qualitative Research [9781433126628]
预售 按需印刷 A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty
【4周达】Home and Away: Lived Experience in Performative Narratives [9780367698812]
【4周达】Spielend (Be)Schreiben: Performative Verfahren Zur Förderung Deskriptiver Kompetenzen in Sp... [9783111110622]
【4周达】The Fragment: Towards a History and Poetics of a Performative Genre [9788792633750]
【4周达】Fates of the Performative: From the Linguistic Turn to the New Materialism [9781517910860]
【4周达】A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty: Tangoing Desire and Nostalgia [9781032409184]
海外直订Gadamer's Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Eve 伽达默尔的诠释美学:作为表
【4周达】Resisting Biopolitics : Philosophical, Political, and Performative Strategies [9781138789487]
【4周达】Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophical, Political, and Performative Strategies [9781138499010]
【4周达】The Phenomenology of a Performative Knowledge System : Dancing with Native American Epistemo... [9783030049355]
【4周达】Gadamer's Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event [9781032020396]
【4周达】Introducing Performative Pragmatics [9780415371889]
【4周达】Introducing Performative Pragmatics [9780415371872]
【4周达】Fates of the Performative: From the Linguistic Turn to the New Materialism [9781517910853]
【预售】Playing with Purpose: Adventures in Performative
【4周达】Performative Holocaust Commemoration in the 21st Century [9780367711450]
海外直订The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn 被刺激的经济:经济现实与行为转向
预订 Teaching Writing Through Theatre: A Performative Approach to Pedagogy 通过戏剧的写作教学:表演教学法: 9783031733017
海外直订Therapeutic Aesthetics: Performative Encounters in Moving Image Artworks 治疗美学:运动影像艺术作品中的表演
预订 The Performative Structure: Ritualizing the Pyramid of Pepy I 表演结构:佩皮一世金字塔的仪式化: 9789004372368
【4周达】The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn [9780415857130]
海外直订The Allyship Challenge: How to Move Beyond Performative Allyship and Become a Ge 同盟的挑战:如何超越表现性
【4周达】Therapeutic Aesthetics: Performative Encounters in Moving Image Artworks [9781350189430]
【4周达】Performative Holocaust Commemoration in the 21st Century [9780367711467]