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【预售】Predicting the Academic Success of G...
【预售】Evolution, Monitoring and Predicting...
【预售】Predicting Prosody from Text for Text-To-Speech
【预售】Forecasting Innovations: Methods for Predicting
【预售】Predicting Success in Higher-Level Positions: A
【预售】Predicting the Bite
【预售】Predicting the Future
【预订】In Silico Methods for Predicting Dru...
【预订】Predicting the Lineage Choice of Hem...
【预售】Modelling and Predicting Textile Behaviour
【预售】Predicting Storm Surges: Chaos, Computational Intelligence, Data Assimilation and Ensembles
【预订】Predicting User Performance and Erro...
【预售】Predicting Outcomes in United States-Japan Trade
【预售】Predicting Photosynthesis for Ecosystem Models: Volume II
【预售】Monitoring and Predicting Agricultural Drought: A
【预售】Modeling, Evaluating, and Predicting IT Human Resources Performance
【预订】Predicting the Future: Completing Mo...
【预售】Predicting the Past: The Paradoxes of American
【预售】In Silico Methods for Predicting Dru...
【预售】Predicting Human Decision-Making
【预售】Predicting Vehicle Trajectory
【预订】Predicting Trends And Building Strategies For Consumer Engagement In Retail Environments
【预订】Predicting Flow-Induced Acoustics at...
【预订】Predicting the Unpredictable
【预订】Predicting Structured Data
【预订】Predicting Movie Success at the Box Office
【预售】Predicting Earthquakes (Grade 3)
【预订】Predicting Transcription Factor Complexes
【预订】Predicting Vehicle Trajectory
【预售】Predicting Flow-Induced Acoustics at Near-Stall Conditions in an Automotive Turbocharger Compressor: A Num...
【预售】Predicting Personality
【预订】Predicting the Impact of Patents
【预订】Predicting User Performance and Errors
【预订】Recent Advances in Predicting and Pr...
【预售】Which Customers Pay?: Predicting Value Pre and Post Sales
【预订】Predicting, Monitoring, and Assessing Forest Fire Dangers and Risks
【预订】Predicting Trends and Building Strategies for Consumer Engagement in Retail Environments
【预售】Predicting Photosynthesis for Ecosystem Models: Volume I
【预订】Predicting the T2K Neutrino Flux and Measuring Oscillation Parameters 9783030511760
海外直订The Sensation Seeking Adolescent Scale (SSAS): Predicting At-Risk Behavior 青少年感觉寻求量表(SSAS):
海外直订医药图书In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity 用硅片法预测药物毒性
【预订】Predicting Outdoor Sound, Second Edition
海外直订Forecasting Innovations: Methods for Predicting Numbers of Patent Filings 预测创新:预测专利申请数量的方法
【预订】Predicting Cyberbullying
【预订】Evolution, Monitoring and Predicting Models of Rockburst
【预订】Predicting Stock Returns
按需印刷Risk Assessment:Practitioner's Guide to Predicting Harmful Behaviour[9781871177848]
【预订】Predicting Motion
按需印刷 Recent Advances in Predicting and Preventing Epileptic Seizures - Proceedings of the 5th Internation
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海外直订Predicting the Unpredictable: The Tumultuous Science of Earthquake Prediction 预测不可预测:动荡的地震预测科学
海外直订医药图书In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity 预测药物毒性的电子方法
海外直订Predicting Flow-Induced Acoustics at Near-Stall Conditions in an Automotive Turb 预测汽车涡轮增压器压缩机近
海外直订Molecular Simulation Methods for Predicting Polymer Properties 预测聚合物性能的分子模拟方法
按需印刷Predicting, Monitoring, and Assessing Forest Fire Dangers and Risks[9781799818670]
【预订】Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Predicting Ionic Liquid Properties
海外直订The Pattern Future: Finding the World's Great Secrets and Predicting the Future 模式未来:利用模式发现与预
海外直订Predicting Movie Success at the Box Office 预测电影票房的成功
【预订】Predicting Room of Origin Fire Hazards 9783031086182
海外直订Predicting the Future: An Introduction to the Theory of Forecasting 预测未来:预测理论概论
【预订】Predicting the Dynamics of Research Impact 9783030866679
按需印刷Predicting Outdoor Sound[9781498740074]
海外直订Unleash Your Cash Flow Mojo - The Business Owner's Guide to Predicting, Planning 释放你的现金流魔咒——企业
【预订】HEALTHCARE’s OUT SICK - PREDICTING A CURE - Solutions that WORK !! 9781138581098
海外直订A Statistically-Based Method for Predicting Fog and Stratus Dissipation 基于统计的雾层消散预测方法
[预订]Predicting Pregnancy Complications Through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 9781668489741
按需印刷Predicting and Preventing Slum Growth[9783639036268]
海外直订Customer Payment Trend Analysis based on Clustering for Predicting the Financial 基于聚类的客户支付趋势分析
按需印刷Predicting Light Rail and Metro Trackworks Costs[9783639164046]
预订Predicting the Academic Success of Gifted Postsecondary Students - What High School Grades, SATs, Cr
预售 按需印刷 Predicting Cyberbullying
海外直订Predicting Argentine Jet Fuel Prices 预测阿根廷航空燃油价格
海外直订Predicting the Academic Success of Gifted Postsecondary Students - What High Sch 预测天才研究生的学业成功——高
海外直订Predicting the Effect of Longitudinal Variables on Cost and Schedule Performance 预测纵向变量对成本和进度绩
海外直订Data Analysis and Its Impact on Predicting Schedule and Cost Risk 数据分析及其对进度和成本风险预测的影响
海外直订Predicting Prosody from Text for Text-To-Speech Synthesis 从文本中预测韵律用于文本到语音合成
海外直订Predicting Schedule Risk: A Regression Approach 进度风险预测的回归方法
海外直订Predicting Stock Returns: Implications for Asset Pricing 预测股票收益率:对资产定价的影响
【预售 按需印刷】Predicting Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Tnb Workers Using Gdam Algo
海外直订Evolution, Monitoring and Predicting Models of Rockburst: Precursor Information 岩爆演化、监测与预测模型:
海外直订Predicting Motion 预测运动
海外直订Predicting Light Rail and Metro Trackworks Costs 轻轨和地铁轨道工程成本预测
海外直订Predicting Over Target Baseline Acquisition Contracts 预测超目标基线采购合同
海外直订Predicting Launch Pad Winds at the Kennedy Space Center with a Neural Network Mo 肯尼迪航天中心发射台风场的
【预订】Predicting the Dynamics of Research Impact 9783030866709
海外直订Predicting Hotspots: Using Machine Learning to Understand Civil Conflict 预测热点:使用机器学习理解国内冲突
预售 按需印刷 Predicting Structured Data
按需印刷Predicting Trends and Building Strategies for Consumer Engagement in Retail Environments[9781522578567]
按需印刷Data Mining Applications. A Comparative Study for Predicting Student's Performance[9783668561465]
海外直订医药图书Healthcare's Out Sick - Predicting a Cure - Solutions That Work !!!!: Predictive 医疗保健出了问题—
【预售 按需印刷】Predicting Monitoring and Assessing Forest Fire Dangers and Risks