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寒雁-天然太赫兹Terahertz能量石配吊坠项链108颗佛珠链 男女简约
寒雁-天然太赫兹Terahertz能量石 切面米珠形脚链 时尚百搭 融u.
【预订】Terahertz Antenna Technology for Imaging and Sensing Applications 9783030689629
[预订]Terahertz Devices, Circuits and Systems: Materials, Methods and Applications 9789811941078
【预订】Advances in Terahertz Technology and Its Applications 9789811657337
[预订]Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers 9781108427937
[预订]Terahertz Wireless Communication Components and System Technologies 9789811691843
[预订]Terahertz Liquid Photonics 9789811265631
【预订】Terahertz Planar Antennas for Next G...
【预订】Terahertz Techniques
【预售】Terahertz Wave Detection and Imaging with a Hot Rydberg Vapour
【预售】Longitudinally Polarised Terahertz Radiation for Relativistic Particle Acceleration
【预售】Characterization of Terahertz Emission from High
【预订】Longitudinally Polarised Terahertz R...
【预订】Introduction to Terahertz Electronics 9783030518448
【预订】Terahertz Devices, Circuits and Systems 9789811941047
【预售】Terahertz Techniques
【预售】Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications:
【预售】Physics and Applications of Terahertz Radiation
【预订】Fundamentals Of Terahertz Devices And Applications 9781119460718
【预订】Terahertz Science and Technology for...
【预订】Observation and Control of Magnetic Order Dynamics by Terahertz Magnetic Nearfield 9789811687921
[预订]Antenna Technology for Terahertz Wireless Communication 9783031358999
[预订]Sub-Terahertz Sensing Technology for Biomedical Applications 9789811931420
预订 Optical to Terahertz Engineering
预订 Antenna Technology for Terahertz Wireless Communication 适合太赫兹无线通信的天线技术: 9783031359026
【预售】Interaction of Terahertz Radiation with Semiconductor Lasers
[预订]Spectroscopic Applications of Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers 9783736972971
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[预订]Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond 9781803550008
[预订]Terahertz, Ultrafast Lasers and Their Medical and Industrial Applications 9781803562636
【预售】Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Generation
【预订】Advances in Terahertz Technology and Its Applications 9789811657306
【预售】Active Metamaterials: Terahertz Modu...
预售 按需印刷 Automatic Segmentation and Clustering of Spectral Terahertz Data
预售 按需印刷 Development of a Time-Domain Terahertz Spectrometer
【预售 按需印刷】Fundamental and Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and Technologies
【预售 按需印刷】Design Setup and Characterization of an Electronic Terahertz Measurement System Featuring Sensor Fu
预售 按需印刷Continuous-wave terahertz light from optical parametric oscillators德语ger
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【4周达】Fundamental & Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and Technologies: Selected Papers from t... [9789814725194]
【4周达】Terahertz Sensing Technology - Vol 1: Electronic Devices and Advanced Systems Technology [9789812383341]
【4周达】Terahertz Sensing Technology - Vol 2: Emerging Scientific Applications And Novel Device Conc... [9789812386113]
【4周达】Fundamental And Applied Problems Of Terahertz Devices And Technologies: Selected Papers From... [9789813223271]
【4周达】Terahertz Liquid Photonics [9789811265631]
【4周达】Terahertz Science and Technology for Military and Security Applications [9789812771797]
预售 按需印刷 Fundamentals of Terahertz Devices and Applications
预售 按需印刷 Ladder Climbing Using an Intense Single Cycle Terahertz Pulse
【预售】Field-Effect Self-Mixing Terahertz D...
【预订】PBG based Terahertz Antenna for Aerospace Applications
【预订】Field-effect Self-mixing Terahertz D...
【预订】Terahertz Antenna Technology for Space Applications
【预订】Active Terahertz Metamaterial for Biomedical Applications
【预售】Design of Terahertz CMOS Integrated Circuits for High-Speed Wireless Communication
【预售】Terahertz Sensing Technology - Vol 2: Emerging
[预订]Nano-Electromagnetic Communication at Terahertz and Optical Frequencies: Principles and Applications 9781785619038
[预订]Interconnection development for InP-HBT terahertz circuits 9783736972049
海外直订Longitudinally Polarised Terahertz Radiation for Relativistic Particle Accelerat 相对论性粒子的纵向极化
海外直订Terahertz Wave Detection and Imaging with a Hot Rydberg Vapour 太赫兹波探测和热里德堡蒸汽成像
海外直订Physics and Applications of Terahertz Radiation 太赫兹辐射的物理和应用
海外直订Characterization of Terahertz Emission from High Resistivity Fe-Doped Bulk Ga0.6
海外直订Characterization of Terahertz Emission from High Resistivity Fe-Doped Bulk Ga0.6 高电阻率掺铁体Ga0
海外直订Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognition and Tomograph 生物医学应用的太赫兹成像:
【预订】Terahertz (THz), Mid Infrared (MIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Technolo 9789402420845
【预订】Terahertz (THz), Mid Infrared (MIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Technologies for Protection of Critical Infras...
【预订】Convergence of Terahertz Sciences in Biomedical Systems
【预订】Generation, Detection and Processing of Terahertz Signals 9789811649493
[预订]Generation, Detection and Processing of Terahertz Signals 9789811649462
【预订】Convergence of Terahertz Sciences in...
海外直订Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies: Devices, Mater 太赫兹工程和系统技术的新趋
海外直订医药图书Active Terahertz Metamaterial for Biomedical App... 生物医学应用的有源太赫兹超材料
【预售】Terahertz Spectroscopy
【预订】Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies
[预订]Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies: Devices, Materials, Imaging, Data 9789811597688
【预订】Advanced Indium Arsenide-Based HEMT Architectures for Terahertz Applications 9780367554149
[预订]Terahertz Wireless Communication Components and System Technologies
[预订]Emergent Micro- And Nanomaterials for Optical, Infrared, and Terahertz Applications 9781032065052
【预订】Handbook of Terahertz Technologies
海外直订Introduction to Terahertz Electronics 太赫兹电子学导论
【预订】Semiconductor Terahertz Technology -...
【预订】2D Materials for Infrared and Terahertz Detectors
预订 Space Terahertz Remote Sensing Technology
海外直订Terahertz, Ultrafast Lasers and Their Medical and Industrial Applications 太赫兹,超快激光器及其医疗和工业
海外直订Fundamental & Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and Technologies: Selected P 太赫兹器件和技术的基础和应用问
海外直订Field-Effect Self-Mixing Terahertz Detectors