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Anisotropic behavior of jointed rock masses Wang Peitao, Zhang Ying, Tan Wenhui 9787112287628
【官方正版】 Anisotropic behavior of jointed rock masses 9787112287628 Wang Peitao, Zhang Ying, Tan Wenhui
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【预售】Qualitative Analysis of the Anisotropic Kepler Problem
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海外直订Analysis and Design of Structures Made of Plastically Anisotropic Materials 各向异性塑性材料结构的分析与设
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海外直订Kinetic Phenomena and Collective Modes in Highly Anisotropic Organic Conductors 高各向异性有机导体中的动力
海外直订Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous... 各向异性非均匀壳理论的新进展
海外直订Anisotropic Metal Chalcogenide Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Assembly, and Applicati 各向异性金属硫化物纳米材料
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海外直订Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory: General Theory an 各向异性非均匀壳理论的新发
海外直订Low Magnetic Fields in Anisotropic Superconductors 各向异性超导体中的低磁场
海外直订Convex Variational Problems: Linear, Nearly Linear and Anisotropic Growth Condit 凸变分问题:线性、近似线性
海外直订Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic Solids / Comportment Méchanique Des Solides A 各向异性固体/固体各向异性
[预订]Kinetic phenomena, collective modes in highly anisotropic organic conduct 9781908106612
【4周达】Calculation of the Brightness of Light: In the Case of Anisotropic Scattering [9781489951564]
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【4周达】Low Magnetic Fields in Anisotropic Superconductors [9783662140369]
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【4周达】Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory : General Theory and Applicati... [9789811003523]
【4周达】Recent Developments in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Shell Theory: Applications of Refined and T... [9789811015953]
【4周达】Models for Polymeric and Anisotropic Liquids [9783642065644]
海外直订Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials 各向异性材料的连续介质力学
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【4周达】Models for Polymeric and Anisotropic Liquids [9783540262107]
【4周达】On the Anisotropic Plastic Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics and Its Descri... [9783658281984]
【预售】Models for Polymeric and Anisotropic Liquids
【预订】Recent Developments in Anisotropic H...
【预订】Low Magnetic Fields in Anisotropic S...
【预订】Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic S...
【预订】Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic M...
【预售】Anisotropic Metal Chalcogenide Nanomaterials
【预售】On the anisotropic plastic behaviour of short fibre reinforced thermoplastics and its description by phen...
【预订】Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous and Anisotropic Foundations
【4周达】Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials [9781489990273]
【4周达】Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous and Anisotropic Foundations [9783642536021]
海外直订Efficient and Accurate Computation of Non-Negative Anisotropic Group Scattering 离散坐标非负各向异性群散射截面
海外直订Modeling Piezoceramic Twist Actuation in Single-Cell Anisotropic Torque Box of L 低可观测无人机机翼单胞各向异性
海外直订Generalized Reliability Methodology Applied to Brittle Anisotropic Single Crysta 广义可靠性方法在各向异性脆
【4周达】Analytical Methods in Anisotropic Elasticity : with Symbolic Computational Tools [9780817642723]
【4周达】Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials [9781461450245]
海外直订Models for Polymeric and Anisotropic Liquids 聚合物和各向异性液体模型
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【4周达】Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic Solids / Comportment Mechanique des Solides Anisotropes: ... [9789400968295]
预订 Commissioning of the Analytical Anisotropic Algorithm (AAA) [9783330023246]
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预订 Diffraction, Radiation and Propagation of Elastic Waves in Isotropic and Anisotropic Bodies [9781527539938]
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【4周达】Anisotropic hp-Mesh Adaptation Methods : Theory, implementation and applications [9783031042782]
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预订 The Fem Calculation of Magnetic Field in Nonlinear Anisotropic Media [9783659400308]
【预售 按需印刷】Solutions to plane elasto-static contact problems of anisotropic media
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【4周达】Geometrical Optics of Weakly Anisotropic Media [9780367455798]
【预售】Hybrid Anisotropic Materials for Wind Power Turbine Blades
【预订】Geometrical Optics of Weakly Anisotropic Media
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