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【4周达】Corporeality [9781927409039]
按需印刷Burning in this Clumsy, this Ill-fitting Body'. Corporeality in Virginia Woolf's Writing[9783668380394]
海外直订Performing Authorship: Self-Inscription and Corporeality in the Cinema 表演作者:电影中的自我铭文与形体
【4周达】Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality [9780819574114]
海外直订Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migrati 交织的动作:旅行与迁徙时代
【4周达】Performing Authorship: Self-Inscription and Corporeality in the Cinema [9781780760063]
【4周达】Co-Corporeality of Humans, Machines, & Microbes [9783035625851]
【4周达】Medial Bodies Between Fiction and Faction – Reinventing Corporeality [9783837647297]
【4周达】Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration [9780367733858]
[预订]Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture from the Republic of Macedonia 9781407303932
按需印刷Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment[9781783083374]
【预售 按需印刷】Ageing Corporeality and Embodiment
【4周达】Prehistoric Figurines : Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic [9780415331524]
【4周达】Corporeality and Culture: Bodies in Movement [9781032098326]
海外直订Corporeality in Early Cinema 早期电影中的肉体
[预订]Corporeality and Culture 9781032098326
预订 Bodies in Transition in the Health Humanities: Representations of Corporeality: Representations of Corporeality 卫
【4周达】Conflict, Nationhood and Corporeality in Modern Literature: Bodies-At-War [9780230231528]
【4周达】Constructing the Stalinist Body : Fictional Representations of Corporeality in the Stalinist... [9780739135259]
【4周达】Corporeality in Early Cinema: Viscera, Skin, and Physical Form [9780253033659]
【4周达】Foreign Bodies : Trauma, Corporeality, and Textuality in Contemporary American Culture [9780415867177]
【预订】Conflict, Nationhood and Corporeality in Modern Literature 9780230231528
【4周达】Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture from the Republic of Macedonia Bar S1910 [9781407303932]
海外直订Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture from the Republic of Macedon 图案与物质性:马其顿共和国的新
【4周达】Bodies in Conflict: Corporeality, Materiality, and Transformation [9780367867942]
【4周达】Conflict, Nationhood and Corporeality in Modern Literature : Bodies-at-War [9781349311989]
预订 Corporeality, Medical Technologies and Contemporary Culture
【4周达】To Watch Theatre: Essays on Genre and Corporeality [9789052010274]
【4周达】Dialectics of the Body : Corporeality in the Philosophy of Theodor Adorno [9781138011700]
按需印刷Patterns and Corporeality[9781407303932]
【预售 按需印刷】Patterns and Corporeality
预订 Dialectics of the Body: Corporeality in the Philosophy of Theodor Adorno: 9781138011700
【4周达】Choreography and Corporeality : Relay in Motion [9781349714094]
【预订】Medial Bodies Between Fiction and Faction: Reinventing Corporeality 9783837647297
【4周达】Beyond Containment : Corporeality in Mercè Rodoreda's Literature [9783034308885]
预订 Moving Images, Mobile Bodies : The Poetics and Practice of Corporeality in Visual and Performing... [9781527511088]
【4周达】Body Language : Corporeality, Subjectivity, and Language in Johann Georg Hamann [9781433115967]
【4周达】Corporeality and Performativity in Baroque Naples : The Body of Naples [9781498563987]
【4周达】Mobility and Corporeality in Nineteenth- to Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Literature : Bod... [9781793625670]
【预售】Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment
【4周达】Grand-Guignol Cinema and the Horror Genre : Sinister Tableaux of Dread, Corporeality and the... [9781839980961]
【4周达】Security, Race, Biopower : Essays on Technology and Corporeality [9781137554079]
【4周达】The Corporeality of Clothing in Medieval Literature : Cognition, Kinesis, and the Sacred [9781580443579]
【预售 按需印刷】Corporeality and Performativity in Baroque Naples
【4周达】Security, Race, Biopower: Essays on Technology and Corporeality [9781349716708]
海外直订Corporeality and Performativity in Baroque Naples: The Body of Naples 巴洛克时期那不勒斯的肉体与表演:那不勒
按需印刷Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment[9780857283290]
[预订]The Corporeality of Clothing in Medieval Literature 9781580443579
【4周达】Fatness and the Maternal Body: Women's Experiences of Corporeality and the Shaping of Social... [9780857451224]
【4周达】Performing Authorship: Self-Inscription and Corporeality in the Cinema [9781780760056]
预订 Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration [9780815356233]
【4周达】Choreography and Corporeality : Relay in Motion [9781137546524]
【4周达】The Aesthetic Body: Passion, Sensibility, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France [9781611490800]
【4周达】Dialectics of the Body: Corporeality in the Philosophy of Theodor Adorno [9780415972451]
按需印刷Movements of Interweaving:Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration[9780815356233]
【4周达】Foreign Bodies: Trauma, Corporeality, and Textuality in Contemporary American Culture [9780415975230]
【4周达】Corporeality and Culture : Bodies in Movement [9781472421272]
预订 Corporeality and Culture
预订 Reading Corporeality in Patrick White’s Fiction: An Abject Dictatorship of the Flesh 解读帕特里克·怀特小说中的有
【4周达】Bodies in Conflict : Corporeality, Materiality, and Transformation [9780415834223]
【4周达】Performing Memory: Corporeality, Visuality, and Mobility After 1968 [9781800739963]
预订 Literature with a White Helmet: The Textual-Corporeality of Being, Becoming, and Representing Re... [9780367273590]
【预售】Bodies in Conflict: Corporeality, Mate
【4周达】Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic [9780415331517]