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正版创新者的迷思:硅谷式经济的代价:how our obsession with thenew has disrupted the work李·文塞尔书店经济书籍 畅想畅销书
【现货】 创新者的迷思:硅谷式经济的代价:how our obsession with thenew has disrupted the work that matters most
【现货】 翻转世界:互联网思维与新技术如何改变未来:why your world, work & brain are being creatively disrupted
创新者的迷思:硅谷式经济的代价:how our obsession with thenew has disrupted the work that matters most李·文塞尔 经济书籍
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香港直邮Maria Black 女士 Disrupted 22 耳环 舒适时尚
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正版包邮 Disrupted 疯狂的独角兽 硅谷创业公司历险记 丹·莱昂斯 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 英文原版 Atlantic
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预订Healthcare Disrupted:Next Generation Business Models and Strategies
按需印刷Disrupted Networks[9789814304306]
按需印刷Disrupted Balance[9789813239210]
预订Banking On It:How I Disrupted an Industry and Changed the Way We Manage our Money Forever
预订Disrupted Governance:Towards a New Policy Science
预订Media Disrupted:Surviving Pirates, Cannibals, and Streaming Wars
按需印刷Disrupted Balance[9789813276529]
按需印刷Digital Organizations - Leadership Disrupted[9781365593147]
预订The Ceiling Outside:The Science and Experience of the Disrupted Mind
预订Art in a Disrupted World - Poland 1939-1949
预订The Cobbler:How I Disrupted an Industry, Fell From Grace, and Came Back Stronger Than Ever
预订Childhood Disrupted:How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal
小米:从“一口小米粥”到世界500强:how a sr-u disrupted the market and created a cult following 9787500171546
【预售】Disrupted Childhoods: Children of Women in Prison
【预售】A Way of Life, Disrupted
【预售】Disrupted Networks: From Physics to Climate Change
【预售】Disrupted Dialogue: Medical Ethics and the Collapse
【预售】Disrupted Narratives: Illness, Silence and Identity
【预售】Disrupted: Strategy for Exponential Change
现货 【中商原版】无疾而终:我在新兴互联网公司的不幸遭遇 英文原版 Disrupted
【预售】Disrupted Balance - Society at Risk...
【预售】Disrupted Balance
【预售】Healthcare Disrupted: Next Generatio...
【预售】Pivot to the Future: Discovering Value and Creating Growth in a Disrupted World
【预订】Accounting Disrupted
【预订】Media Disrupted: Surviving Pirates, Cannibals, and Streaming Wars
【预订】On the Last Afternoon: Disrupted Ecologies and the Work of Joyce Campbell
【预订】Community Engagement 2.0?: Dialogues on the Future of the Civic in the Disrupted University
【预订】Disrupted Intersubjectivity: Paralysis and Invasion in Ian McEwan’s Works
海外直订Education Disrupted: Strategies for Saving Our Failing Schools 教育中断:拯救失败学校的策略
海外直订Disrupted Networks: From Physics to Climate Change 被破坏的:从物理学到气候变化
海外直订Career Confusion; 21st Century Career Management in a Disrupted World 职业困惑:混乱世界中的21世纪职业管理
Disrupted 疯狂的独角兽:硅谷创业公司历险记 丹·莱昂斯
英文原版 Disrupted 疯狂的独角兽 硅谷创业公司历险记 丹·莱昂斯 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Disrupted 疯狂的独角兽:硅谷创业公司历险记 丹·莱昂斯进口原版英文书籍
Disrupted 疯狂的独角兽 硅谷创业公司历险记 丹莱昂斯 英文原版
【预订】Development Disrupted 9781108424172
海外直订Career Confusion: 21st Century Career Management in a Disrupted World 职业困惑:混乱世界中的21世纪职业管理
【预订】Art in a Disrupted World 9788364177750
海外直订How to Avoid Conflicts Before Your Class is Disrupted: Understanding Learning St 如何在课堂混乱前避免冲突:理解
海外直订Mastering the Internet of Things flip book, including the novel Disrupted 精通物联网翻转书,包括小说《打乱
小米:从“一口小米粥”到世界500强:how a start-up disrupted the market9787500171546 杰亚德万·中译出版社有限公司
海外直订Disrupted: Strategy for Exponential Change 颠覆:指数变化的策略
海外直订Disrupted Balance - Society at Risk 破坏平衡-社会处于危险之中
海外直订Sustainable Profitability in a Disrupted Legal Market 在混乱的法律市场可持续盈利
【预售 按需印刷】Education Disrupted
【预售 按需印刷】Disrupted
【预售 按需印刷】Disrupted Balance
【预售 按需印刷】Digital Human Resources - Leadership Disrupted
【预售 按需印刷】Digital Organizations - Leadership Disrupted
海外直订Disrupted Realism: Paintings for a Distracted Wo... 被打乱的现实主义:为一个分心的世界绘画
创新者的迷思:硅谷式经济的代价:how our obsession with thenew has disrupted the work that matters mo 李·文塞尔 经济书籍
海外直订Disrupted 中断
海外直订A Universe Disrupted 宇宙被破坏
预售 会计学的颠覆:数字化如何改变金融 Accounting Disrupted - How Digitalization Is Changing Finance 英文原版 中商原版
海外直订Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?: How Eighteenth-Century Science Disrupted the Natura 动物、植物、矿物?十八世纪
海外直订Can I Go Home with You?: Chloe's Story of Trauma, Disrupted Attachment, and Psyc 我能和你一起回家吗?:克洛伊
童年逆境如何影响一生健康 英文原版 Childhood Disrupted 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Childhood Disrupted 童年逆境如何影响一生健康 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Childhood Disrupted 童年逆境如何影响一生健康
Childhood Disrupted 童年逆境如何影响一生健康进口原版英文书籍
[预订]Disrupted Intersubjectivity: Paralysis and Invasion in Ian McEwan’s Works 9781501391149
海外直订Disrupted Cities: When Infrastructure Fails 被破坏的城市:当基础设施失灵时