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预售 按需印刷 Ecocriticism and the Poiesis of Form
按需印刷Ecocriticism and the Poiesis of Form:Holding on to Proteus[9780367173753]
预订Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy:Poiesis and the Therapeutic Imagination
预订Naming the Gods:Cy Twombly's Passionate Poiesis
按需印刷DEG Poiesis poieseos[9783598776519]
按需印刷DEG Mimesis und Poiesis[9783110059045]
【预售】Paulo Bruscky: Poiesis Bruscky
【预售】Poiesis Review #6
【预售】Poiesis de Las Barcas
【预售】Ecocriticism and the Poiesis of Form
海外直订Imitate Anacreon!: Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina An 模仿阿纳克里翁!《卡米娜·
海外直订Poiesis, Volume 16, 2015: European Graduate School 20th Anniversary - Aesthetic 《诗学》,2015年第16卷:
【预订】Poiesis des ‚Sozialen‘ 9783110709148
【预订】Poiesis poieseos 9783598776519
【预订】Mimesis und Poiesis 9783110059045
预售 按需印刷 Poiesis des ?Sozialen‘
预售 按需印刷 Mimesis und Poiesis
海外直订Poiesis and Enchantment in Topological Matter 拓扑物质的诗意与魅力
预售 按需印刷Zwischen Mimesis und Poiesis德语ger
预售 按需印刷 Poiesis Volume 16 2015
海外直订The Logic of the Living Present: Experience, Ordering, Onto-Poiesis of Culture 活在当下的逻辑:经验、秩序、
[预订]Classical American Philosophy: Poiesis in Public 9781350203945
预订 ’mathesis’ und ’poiesis’: Die Enzyklopädik der Literatur 1600 bis 2000 母题和诗题:1600 * 2000 年文学百科全书:
预订 Buchgestaltung als Poiesis: Materialitäten und Semantiken des Buchs bei Anne Carson und Judith Schalansky 作为诗的
【4周达】Poiesis and Enchantment in Topological Matter [9780262019514]
预订 Ecocriticism and the Poiesis of Form : Holding on to Proteus [9780367173753]
【4周达】The Logic of the Living Present : Experience, Ordering, Onto-Poiesis of Culture [9780792329305]
【4周达】Poiesis Review #6 [9780615927862]
【4周达】Poiesis and Modernity in the Old and New Worlds [9780826518347]
【4周达】Poiesis and Modernity in the Old and New Worlds [9780826518354]
【4周达】The Elemental Dialectic of Light and Darkness : The Passions of the Soul in the Onto-Poiesis... [9780792316015]
【4周达】In Praise of Poiesis: The Arts and Human Existence [9780968533062]
预订 Poiesis, Volume 16, 2015: European Graduate School 20th Anniversary - Aesthetic and Critical Edu... [9780968533079]
预订 Creation and the Function of Art: Techné, Poiesis and the Problem of Aesthetics [9781350010765]
【4周达】Sentient Flesh: Thinking in Disorder, Poiesis in Black [9781478011026]
预订 Creation and the Function of Art: Techné, Poiesis and the Problem of Aesthetics [9781350112605]
【4周达】Sentient Flesh: Thinking in Disorder, Poiesis in Black [9781478009962]
【4周达】Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly's Passionate Poiesis [9781630517373]
预订 Education from a Whiteheadian Point of View : Process, Rhythm, and Poiesis [9781527531482]
预订 The Anthropology of Poiesis [9781527578289]
【4周达】Star Logic (a collection of poiesis) [9781735327310]
【4周达】POIESIS A Journal of the Arts & Communication Volume 18, 2021 [9781777681708]
【4周达】Michael Abbott's Hydroinformatics: Poiesis of New Relationships with Water [9781789062649]
【4周达】Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly's Passionate Poiesis [9781630517366]
【4周达】Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy: Poiesis and the Therapeutic Imagination [9781787750050]
【4周达】The Hand at Work : The Poetics of Poiesis in the Russian Avant-Garde [9781644697078]
【4周达】New Developments in Expressive Arts Therapy: The Play of Poiesis [9781785922473]
【4周达】Poiesis A Journal of the Arts & Communication Volume 20, 2023; In the Midst of Crisis-What i... [9781777681722]
【4周达】Poiesis Review #1-5: A Literary Journal Archive [9781946580184]
【4周达】Poiesis: The Language of Psychology and the Speech of the Soul [9781853024887]
【4周达】Poiesis Review #7 [9781946580054]
【4周达】Poiesis Des 'sozialen' : Achim Von Arnims Fr he Poetik Bis Zur Heidelberger Romantik (1800-1... [9783110314571]
预订 Mimesis und Poiesis [9783110059045]
预订 Poiesis Des 'Sozialen': Achim Von Arnims Frühe Poetik Bis Zur Heidelberger Romantik (1800-1808) [9783110709148]
【4周达】Poiesis der Maschine [9783050063683]
【4周达】Imitate Anacreon!: Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea [9783110334029]
预订 Poiesis poieseos:Alexandrinische Dichtung kata lepton in strukturaler und humanethologischer De... [9783598776519]
【4周达】The Elemental Dialectic of Light and Darkness: The Passions of the Soul in the Onto-Poiesis ... [9789048141210]
【4周达】The Logic of the Living Present: Experience, Ordering, Onto-Poiesis of Culture [9789401042079]
【4周达】Personae and Poiesis : The Poet and the Poem in Medieval Love Lyric [9789027934949]
预订 Classical American Philosophy: Poiesis in Public 美国古典哲学:公共场合的诗歌: 9781350151352