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按需印刷Trouveres and troubadours, a popular treatise[9789353702663]
按需印刷The Lives of the Troubadours[9783337400415]
预订The Troubadours - Their Loves and Their Lyrics; With Remarks on Their Influence, Social and Literary
按需印刷Troubadours and Trouveres New and Old[9781417972777]
【预售】The Troubadours: An Introduction
【预售】A Handbook of the Troubadours
【预售】The World of the Troubadours: Medieval Occitan
【预售】The Women Troubadours
【预售】Troubadours and Irony
【预售】Songs of the Women Troubadours
【预售】Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouv Res: The
【预售】Love's Troubadours: Karma: Book One
【预售】The Music of the Troubadours
【预售】The Troubadours
【预售】Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars: Huayn
【预售】Where Troubadours Were Bishops: The Occitania of
【预售】The Troubadours: A History of Provencal Life and
海外直订Proper Names in the Lyrics of the Troubadours 剧团歌词中的专有名词
海外直订The Troubadours and Courts of Love 爱情的舞台
海外直订Trails of the Troubadours 歌舞团的足迹
海外直订Troubadours And Courts Of Love 团员和爱情法庭
海外直订The Literary History of the Troubadours 游吟诗人的文学史
【预订】Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars 9780226923963
海外直订Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars: Huayno Music, Media Work, and Ethnic 绅士游吟诗人和安第斯流行歌星:
海外直订The Music of the Troubadours 游吟诗人的音乐
海外直订The Troubadours: A history of Proven?al life and literature in the middle ages 吟游诗人
海外直订Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouveres: The Changing Identity of Medieval 《八个世纪的行吟诗人
海外直订The Lives of the Troubadours 游吟诗人的生活
【预订】Heinrich von Morungen und die Troubadours 9783110994070
【预订】A Walking Tour In Southern France: Ezra Pound Among the Troubadours 9780811218252
预售 按需印刷 Heinrich von Morungen und die Troubadours
海外直订The Troubadours at Home: their lives and personalities, their songs and their wo 在家的游吟诗人:他们的生活
预售 按需印刷 Die Ehre In Den Liedern Der Troubadours (1887)德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】The Lives of the Troubadours
预售 按需印刷 Beitrage Zur Biographie Und Zur Chronologie Der Lieder Des Troubadours Peire Vidal (1887)德语ger
预售 按需印刷 Einleitung Zu Einer Kritischen Ausgabe Der Gedichte Des Troubadours Arnaut de Mareuil德语ger
预售 按需印刷Leben Und Werke Der Troubadours (1829)德语ger
预售 按需印刷 Die Grammatik Der Provenzalischen Leys D'Amors Verglichen Mit Der Sprache Der Troubadours Part 1德语ger
预售 按需印刷Die Provenzalischen Troubadours Als Lyrische Und Politische Dichter德语ger
预售 按需印刷Die Poesie der Troubadours德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】The Troubadours - Their Loves and Their Lyrics; With Remarks on Their Influence Social and Literary
预售 按需印刷 Trouveres And Troubadours
海外直订Modern Troubadours, a Record of the Concerts at the Front 现代游吟诗人,前线音乐会记录
海外直订Die Werke der Troubadours, in Provenzalischer Sprache Die Werke der Troubadours, in Provenz
海外直订The Troubadours and Courts of Love 吟游诗人和爱的法庭
海外直订The Troubadours: A History of Proven?al Life and Literature in the Middle Ages 吟游诗人:证明的历史?中世纪的
海外直订The Troubadours The游吟诗人
海外直订The Troubadours at Home: Their Lives and Personalities, Their Songs and Their Wo 在家的吟游诗人:他们的生活
海外直订Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars: Huayno Music, Media Work, and Ethnic 绅士吟游诗人和安第斯流行明
海外直订Lays of the Troubadours. 吟游诗人的乐章。
海外直订The Literary History of the Troubadours: containing their lives, extracts from t 民谣诗人的文学史:包括他们
海外直订The Vidas of the Troubadours 吟游诗人的维达斯
海外直订The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 最后的游吟诗人:意大利歌剧中的诗性戏剧,1597-
海外直订Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books, and Orators in Italian Courts of the Th 城堡里的音乐:13、
[预订]La Reception Des Troubadours Au Xixe Siecle 9782406145561
[预订]La Reception Des Troubadours Au Xixe Siecle 9782406145578
海外直订Cuban Troubadours: Nueva Trova and Contemporary Cuban Song 古巴游吟诗人:努瓦·特罗瓦与当代古巴歌曲
预订 The Troubadours: Their Loves and Their Lyrics; With Remarks on Their Influence, Social and Literary: 9781014194923
预订 The Troubadours: Their Loves and Their Lyrics; With Remarks on Their Influence, Social and Literary: 9781013451348
预订 The Vidas of The Troubadours Troubadours的Vidas: 9780367189440
预订 The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 *的杂种:1597-1887年意大利歌剧中的诗歌戏剧: 97811
海外直订Hispano-Arabic Poetry and Its Relations with the Old Provencal Troubadours 西班牙-阿拉伯诗歌及其与老普罗旺
预订 The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 *的游吟诗人:意大利歌剧中的诗剧 1597-1887: 978113
预订 Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books, and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth, Fourte... [9780226279688]
预订 Lark in the Morning: The Verses of the Troubadours, a Bilingual Edition [9780226429335]
【4周达】The Women Troubadours [9780393009651]
预订 Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars: Huayno Music, Media Work, and Ethnic Imaginaries in ... [9780226923963]
预订 Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars: Huayno Music, Media Work, and Ethnic Imaginaries in ... [9780226923956]
【4周达】The Music of the Troubadours [9780253213891]
【4周达】Troubadours and Love [9780521098977]
【4周达】Giving Voice to Love: Song and Self-Expression from the Troubadours to Guillaume de Machaut [9780199757244]
【4周达】The Troubadours: An Introduction [9780521573887]
预订 Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books, and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth, Fourte... [9780226279695]
【4周达】THE VIDAS OF THE TROUBADOURS (1984) [9780367189440]
【4周达】Nomads, Pilgrims, Troubadours [9780692803363]
【4周达】A Handbook of the Troubadours: Volume 26 [9780520079762]
【4周达】Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouveres: The Changing Identity of Medieval Music - Eigh... [9780521826723]
预订 Figures of Repetition in the Old Proven�al Lyric: A Study in the Style of the Troubadours [9780807891766]
【4周达】A Walking Tour In Southern France: Ezra Pound Among the Troubadours [9780811218252]
【4周达】Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouveres: The Changing Identity of Medieval Music - Eigh... [9780521108140]
【4周达】The Troubadours: An Introduction [9780521574730]
【4周达】The World of the Troubadours: Medieval Occitan Society, C.1100 C.1300 [9780521558327]
【4周达】The Voice of the Trobairitz:Perspectives on the Women Troubadours [9780812281675]
【4周达】The Troubadours [9781789149197]
预订 Proper Names in the Lyrics of the Troubadours [9780807891131]
【4周达】Songs of the Women Troubadours [9780815335689]
【4周达】Troubadours: A History of Provencal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages - The Troubadours... [9781108060042]
【4周达】The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 [9781138365124]
【4周达】The Troubadours [9781107401907]
【4周达】The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 [9781138365131]
【4周达】Stolen Song: How the Troubadours Became French [9781501747571]
【4周达】Troubadours and Space Princesses [9781642780413]