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正版融合共生:职业教育生态体系与企业数字化转型:vocational education ecosystem and enter陈杏头书店社会科学书籍 畅想畅销书
正版知与行:高职院校规划设计研究:planning and design of vocational colleges梁海岫书店社会科学书籍 畅想畅销书
【现货】 知与行:高职院校规划设计研究:planning and design of vocational colleges 梁海岫著 9787577200118
【现货】 启航:2013中国—新西兰职业教育坛集:2013 Sino-New Zealand vocational education forum papers 覃川 9787567011557
融合共生:职业教育生态体系与企业数字化转型:vocational education ecosystem and enterprises' digital tr陈杏头 社会科学书籍
启航:2013中国—新西兰职业教育论坛文集:2013 Sino-New Zealand vocational education forum papers覃川 传记书籍
正版 融合共生:职业教育生态体系与企业数字化转型:vocational education ecosystem and enterprises' digi陈杏头 社会科学书籍
Technical and Vocational Education in China Wu Xueping Ye Yiqun 高等教育出版社
预订Vocational Interests of Youth in Ecuador - Inventory of the Occupational Preferences of Youth
预订Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing:From Student to Leader
按需印刷English for Vocational Purposes:Language Use in Trades Education[9781138326286]
按需印刷The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training[9781119098591]
预售 按需印刷 English for Vocational Purposes
预售 按需印刷 Vocational Interests in the Workplace
按需印刷Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries:The Historical Evolution[9781138220850]
按需印刷Teachers and Teaching in Vocational and Professional Education[9781138056978]
按需印刷Vocational Interests in the Workplace:Rethinking Behavior at Work[9781138932890]
按需印刷The Challenge of Competence:Professionalism through Vocational Education and Traning[9780304329878]
按需印刷Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries:Learning from Diversity[9781138219809]
按需印刷Three Lectures On Vocational Training[9780548482216]
按需印刷Vocational Mathematics For Girls (1917)[9780548588673]
按需印刷The Vocational Re-Education Of Maimed Soldiers (1918)[9781104407285]
按需印刷Polishing the Mirror:90 Days to Vocational Clarity[9781435713697]
按需印刷Technical and Vocational Education and Training[9780826434845]
按需印刷Introduction To Vocational Education[9781104134792]
按需印刷Socio-Economic Perspectives on Vocational Skill Development[9781522541455]
按需印刷Vocational Education Technologies and Advances in Adult Learning[9781466602526]
按需印刷New Models for Technical and Vocational Education and Training[9781799826071]
按需印刷A Journal on Vocational Teaching and Education[9781504938952]
按需印刷Adult Education and Vocational Training in the Digital Age[9781522509295]
预订WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering
预订Lack of Experience in Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Vocational Training Centres in
按需印刷Essential Readings in Vocational Technical Education[9781483633435]
预订WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) - Student Book - Revised Edition
按需印刷Vocational Guidance[9780548837733]
按需印刷Vocational and Professional Capability[9781441158451]
按需印刷Index To The Vocational Summary V1[9781120935687]
按需印刷The Hamburg Model - exemplary integration of youth into vocational education[9783738630060]
【按需印刷】 The Correlation Of Vocational And Liberal Educa
按需印刷Technical and Vocational Education and Training[9781441187482]
按需印刷New Models for Technical and Vocational Education and Training[9781799851523]
按需印刷Classroom Behaviour Management in Further, Adult and Vocational Education[9781350076167]
按需印刷Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Education[9781350102019]
按需印刷Effects of Engagement and Resources on Learning Outcomes in Vocational Colleges[9781522592501]
按需印刷Technological Applications in Adult and Vocational Education Advancement[9781466620629]
按需印刷Technical Education and Vocational Training in Developing Nations[9781522518112]
预订Modern Methods of Vocational and Industrial Training
按需印刷TF Supporting the Workplace Learning of Vocational and Further Education Teachers[9780367632540]
预订WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) Study & Revision Guide - Revised Edition
预订The Big Five Factors For Self-Efficacy And Career Maturity Among Vocational College Students
预订The Vocational Assessor Handbook:Including a Guide to the QCF Units for Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (I
按需印刷TF Flexible Human Resource Management and Vocational Behaviour[9781032360294]
预订Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing
预订Vocational A Level in Health and Social Care
正版现货9787308065795Technical and Vocational Education in China 中国职业技术教育【作者签赠】 吴雪萍,叶依群著 浙江大学
正版书籍 The 14th Five-Year Plan for Vocational Skills Training 人力资源社会保障部中国劳动社会保障出版社9787516755952
【预售】Transfer of Learning in Professional and Vocational
【预售】Vocational Education and Training Through Open and
【预售】How to Design a Vocational Curriculum: A Practical
【预售】Vocational Education at a Distance: International
【预售】Dude Be Buggin' Mr. D: A Vocational Teacher's
【预售】Kimble's Vocational Vocabularies for Stenographers
【预售】Vocational and Adult Education in Europe
【预售】Technical and Vocational Education and Training: An
【预售】Vocational Education and the Challenges of the
【预售】A History of Vocational and Career Education in
【预售】Vocational Education: International Approaches
【预售】Shaping Flexibility in Vocational Education and
【预售】Occupational Therapy And Vocational Rehabilitation
【预售】How to Assess the Vocational Curriculum
【预售】Archival Anxiety and the Vocational Calling
【预售】Handbook of Vocational Psychology: Theory, Resear
【预售】European Vocational Educational Systems
【预售】Foundations of Forensic Vocational Rehabilitation
【预售】Improving Technical Vocational Education and Trai
【预售】Advances in Vocational Psychology: Volume 1: The
【预售】Work & Divorce: Vocational Evaluation in Family L
【预售】Technology and Vocational Education for Sustainab
【预售】The Transformation of Vocational Education and Tr
【预售】Beyond Vocational Education: Career Ma
【预售】Handbook of Technical and Vocational...
【预售】Vocational and Moral Guidance
【预售】Teaching and Training Vocational Learners
【预售】Early Therapeutic, Social and Vocational Probl...
【预售】Vocational and Professional Capability: An Epi...
【预售】Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disa...
【预售】Studies on Continuing Vocational Tra...
【预售】Vocational Education: Its Theory, Ad...
当代医学英语系列:护理职业交际英语 [Vocational English for
包邮培生英文原版进口职业英语教材 1 2 Vocational english for Nursing 书+Rom 护理 石油与天然气 银行与金融 建筑职业英语
【预订】A Breakthrough in Vocational and Tec...
【预订】Success in Practical/Vocational Nurs...
【预售】Fit4work: Fitness for Vocational Tas...
【预售】Vocational Training in General Dental Practice
【预售】Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN Member States