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【预售】Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups
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【预订】Reductive Explanation in the Biologi...
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【预订】Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups. (MN-23)
【预订】Classification of Pseudo-reductive Groups (AM-191)
【预订】Reductive Model of the Conscious Mind
海外直订Representation Theory of Reductive Groups: Proceedings of the University of Utah 还原群的表示理论:1982年犹
海外直订Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-Adic Groups. (Mn-23): Based on 还原P-Adic群的调和分析导
海外直订Finite Reductive Groups: Related Structures and Representations: Proceedings of 有限还原群:相关结构和表示
海外直订Catalytic Reductive Carbonylation of Organic Nitro Compounds 有机硝基化合物的催化还原羰基化
海外直订Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-Adic Groups. (Mn-23): Based on 还原p-adic群的谐波分析导
海外直订Reductive Explanation in the Biological Sciences 生物科学中的还原解释
海外直订Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. (Am-118), Volume 118 还原李群的一元表示。(AM-118),第118卷
海外直订Characters of Reductive Groups Over a Finite Field. (Am-107), Volume 107 有限域上可约群的性质(Am-107),第107
海外直订The Langlands Classification and Irreducible Characters for Real Reductive Group 实约化群的Langlands分
海外直订Finite Reductive Groups: Related Structures and Representations: Proceedings of 有限约化群:相关结构和表示
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【预订】Catalytic Reductive Carbonylation of Organic Nitro Compounds 9789048147663
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【预售 按需印刷】Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups. (MN-23)
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【预售 按需印刷】NOx-reductive Perovskite catalysts for lean-burn engines
【预售 按需印刷】Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. (AM-118) Volume 118
海外直订Representations of Reductive p-adic Groups 约化p进群的表示
海外直订Biology and Subjectivity: Philosophical Contributions to Non-Reductive Neuroscie 生物学与主体性:非还原神经
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[预订]Representations of Reductive Groups 9781470442842
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英文原版 Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups